package org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.elaboration.subsumption; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.errors.ErrorLog; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.errors.Locations; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.types.effects.EffectIdMap; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.types.TMetaVar; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.types.TUnion; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.types.Type; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.types.Types; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.types.util.Polarity; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.types.util.TypeUnparsingContext; import; import gnu.trove.set.hash.THashSet; public class SubSolver { public static final boolean DEBUG = false; long globalLoc; ErrorLog errorLog; ArrayList subsumptions; ArrayList potentialSingletonEffects; EffectIdMap effectIds = new EffectIdMap(); THashMap vars = new THashMap(); ArrayDeque dirtyQueue = new ArrayDeque(); TypeUnparsingContext tuc = new TypeUnparsingContext(); public SubSolver(ErrorLog errorLog, ArrayList subsumptions, ArrayList potentialSingletonEffects, long globalLoc) { this.errorLog = errorLog; this.subsumptions = subsumptions; this.potentialSingletonEffects = potentialSingletonEffects; this.globalLoc = globalLoc; //for(Subsumption sub : subsumptions) // System.out.println("[" + sub.a.toString(tuc) + " < " + sub.b.toString(tuc) + "]"); } public void solve() { //System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------"); //printSubsumptions(); createVar(); //print(); reduceChains(); propagateUpperBounds(); checkLowerBounds(); //errorFromUnsolvedEquations(); //print(); } private void markAllDirty() { for(Var v : vars.values()) v.markDirty(); } private Var getOrCreateVar(TMetaVar mv) { Var var = vars.get(mv); if(var == null) { var = new Var(mv, mv.toString(tuc).substring(1), this); vars.put(mv, var); } return var; } private void addVar(Type t) { t = Types.canonical(t); if(t instanceof TMetaVar) getOrCreateVar((TMetaVar)t); else if(t instanceof TUnion) for(Type c : ((TUnion)t).effects) addVar(c); } ArrayList aVars = new ArrayList(); private void addSubsumption(long loc, Type a, Type b) { int aCons = effectIds.toId(a, aVars); if(!aVars.isEmpty()) { for(TMetaVar var : aVars) getOrCreateVar((TMetaVar)var).addUpperBound(toVUnion(b)); aVars.clear(); } if(aCons != 0) { VUnion u = toVUnion(b); if(u.vars.isEmpty()) { testSubsumption(loc, aCons, u.con); } else u.makeLowerBound(aCons); } } ArrayList bVars = new ArrayList(); private VUnion toVUnion(Type a) { int cons = effectIds.toId(a, bVars); ArrayList vars = new ArrayList(bVars.size()); for(TMetaVar v : bVars) vars.add(getOrCreateVar(v)); bVars.clear(); return new VUnion(cons, vars); } private void createVar() { for(Subsumption sub : subsumptions) addSubsumption(sub.loc, sub.a, sub.b); // In some cases there might be types that are not part of any subsumption, for example related to typeOf for(Type t : potentialSingletonEffects) addVar(t); } private void reduceChains() { markAllDirty(); while(true) { Var v = dirtyQueue.poll(); if(v == null) break; reduceChains(v); v.dirty = false; } } private void reduceChains(Var v) { if(v.constLowerBound == v.constUpperBound) { v.replaceWith(v.constLowerBound); return; } Polarity p = v.original.getPolarity(); if(!p.isNegative() && v.complexLowerBounds.isEmpty()) { if(v.simpleLowerBounds.isEmpty()) { if((v.constLowerBound&v.constUpperBound) != v.constLowerBound) errorLog.log(globalLoc, "Subsumption failed."); v.replaceWith(v.constLowerBound); return; } else if(v.simpleLowerBounds.size() == 1 && v.constLowerBound == 0) { v.replaceDownwards(v.simpleLowerBounds.get(0)); return; } } if(p == Polarity.NEGATIVE && v.complexUpperBounds.isEmpty()) { if(v.simpleUpperBounds.isEmpty()) { if((v.constLowerBound&v.constUpperBound) != v.constLowerBound) errorLog.log(globalLoc, "Subsumption failed."); v.replaceWith(v.constUpperBound); return; } else if(v.simpleUpperBounds.size() == 1 && v.constUpperBound == EffectIdMap.MAX) { v.replaceUpwards(v.simpleUpperBounds.get(0)); return; } } } private void propagateUpperBounds() { markAllDirty(); while(true) { Var v = dirtyQueue.poll(); if(v == null) break; int upperApprox = v.constUpperBound; for(Var u : v.simpleUpperBounds) upperApprox &= u.upperApprox; for(VUnion u : v.complexUpperBounds) upperApprox &= u.getUpperApprox(); if(upperApprox != v.upperApprox) { v.upperApprox = upperApprox; for(Var u : v.simpleLowerBounds) u.markDirty(); for(VUnion u : v.complexLowerBounds) if(u.low != null) u.low.markDirty(); } v.dirty = false; } } private void checkLowerBounds() { THashSet lowerBounds = new THashSet(); for(Var v : vars.values()) { if((v.constLowerBound & v.upperApprox) != v.constLowerBound) testSubsumption(globalLoc, v.constLowerBound, v.upperApprox); for(VUnion u : v.complexLowerBounds) if(u.low == null) lowerBounds.add(u); } for(VUnion u : lowerBounds) if(u.getUpperApprox() != EffectIdMap.MAX) errorLog.log(globalLoc, "Subsumption failed."); } private void errorFromUnsolvedEquations() { for(Var v : vars.values()) { if(!v.isFree()) { errorLog.log(globalLoc, "Couldn't simplify all effect subsumptions away. " + "The current compiler cannot handle this situation. Try adding more type annotations."); break; } } } private void print() { for(Var v : vars.values()) { System.out.println( + ", " + v.original.getPolarity() + (v.simpleLowerBounds.isEmpty() ? "" : ", simpleLowerRefs: " + v.simpleLowerBounds.size()) + (v.complexLowerBounds.isEmpty() ? "" : ", complexLowerRefs: " + v.complexLowerBounds.size()) + ", " + v.original.getKind()); if(v.constLowerBound != EffectIdMap.MIN) System.out.println(" > " + v.constLowerBound); if(v.constUpperBound != EffectIdMap.MAX) System.out.println(" < " + v.constUpperBound); for(Var u : v.simpleUpperBounds) System.out.println(" < " +; for(VUnion u : v.complexUpperBounds) System.out.println(" << " + u); } } private void printSubsumptions() { for(Subsumption sub : subsumptions) System.out.println("[" + sub.a.toString(tuc) + " < " + sub.b.toString(tuc) + " : " + Locations.beginOf(sub.loc) + "," + Locations.endOf(sub.loc) + "]"); } private void testSubsumption(long location, int a, int b) { int extraEffects = a & (~b); if(extraEffects != 0) subsumptionFailed(location, extraEffects); } private void subsumptionFailed(long location , int effects) { errorLog.log(location, "Side-effect " + effectIds.toType(effects) + " is forbidden here."); } }