package org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.elaboration.subsumption2; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.errors.ErrorLog; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.elaboration.subsumption.Subsumption; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.elaboration.subsumption2.SubsumptionGraph.LowerBoundSource; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.elaboration.subsumption2.SubsumptionGraph.Node; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.elaboration.subsumption2.SubsumptionGraph.PartOfUnion; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.elaboration.subsumption2.SubsumptionGraph.Sub; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.elaboration.subsumption2.SubsumptionGraph.UnionNode; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.elaboration.subsumption2.SubsumptionGraph.VarNode; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.types.effects.EffectIdMap; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.types.TMetaVar; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.types.util.Polarity; import; import; import gnu.trove.set.hash.THashSet; public class SubSolver2 { public static final boolean DEBUG = false; // Input private final ErrorLog errorLog; private final ArrayList subsumptions; // private final EffectIdMap effectIds = new EffectIdMap(); private final THashMap varNodeMap = new THashMap(); private final ArrayList unionNodes = new ArrayList(); private static TIntIntHashMap STATISTICS = new TIntIntHashMap(); private SubSolver2(ErrorLog errorLog, ArrayList subsumptions) { this.errorLog = errorLog; this.subsumptions = subsumptions; /*if(subsumptions.size() == 1) { TypeUnparsingContext tuc = new TypeUnparsingContext(); Subsumption sub = subsumptions.get(0); if(sub.a instanceof TCon && sub.b instanceof TCon) System.out.println("caseCC"); else if(sub.a instanceof TMetaVar && sub.b instanceof TCon) System.out.println("caseMC"); else if(sub.a instanceof TVar && sub.b instanceof TCon) System.out.println("caseVC"); System.out.println(" " + sub.a.toString(tuc) + " < " + sub.b.toString(tuc)); } synchronized(STATISTICS) { STATISTICS.adjustOrPutValue(subsumptions.size(), 1, 1); showStatistics(); }*/ } public static void showStatistics() { System.out.println("---"); int[] keys = STATISTICS.keys(); Arrays.sort(keys); int sum = 0; for(int key : keys) sum += STATISTICS.get(key); for(int key : keys) { int value = STATISTICS.get(key); System.out.println(key + ": " + value + " (" + (value*100.0/sum) + "%)"); } } private static boolean subsumes(int a, int b) { return (a&b) == a; } private void processSubsumptions() { ArrayList aVars = new ArrayList(2); ArrayList bVars = new ArrayList(2); for(Subsumption subsumption : subsumptions) { int aCons = effectIds.toId(subsumption.a, aVars); int bCons = effectIds.toId(subsumption.b, bVars); if(bVars.isEmpty()) { if(!subsumes(aCons, bCons)) { reportSubsumptionFailure(subsumption.loc, aCons, bCons); continue; } for(TMetaVar aVar : aVars) getOrCreateNode(aVar).upperBound &= bCons; } else { Node bNode; if(bVars.size() == 1 && bCons == 0) bNode = getOrCreateNode(bVars.get(0)); else bNode = createUnion(subsumption.loc, bCons, bVars); if(aCons != 0) setLowerBound(subsumption.loc, aCons, bNode); for(TMetaVar aVar : aVars) new Sub(getOrCreateNode(aVar), bNode); bVars.clear(); } aVars.clear(); } } private void setLowerBound(long location, int lower, Node node) { node.lowerBound |= lower; node.addLowerBoundSource(location, lower); } private UnionNode createUnion(long location, int cons, ArrayList vars) { UnionNode node = new UnionNode(location, cons); for(TMetaVar var : vars) new PartOfUnion(getOrCreateNode(var), node); unionNodes.add(node); return node; } private VarNode getOrCreateNode(TMetaVar var) { VarNode node = varNodeMap.get(var); if(node == null) { node = new VarNode(var); varNodeMap.put(var, node); } return node; } public boolean solve() { //System.out.println("------------------------------------------------------"); int errorCount = errorLog.getErrorCount(); // Check errors processSubsumptions(); propagateUpperBounds(); checkLowerBounds(); if(DEBUG) print(); if(errorLog.getErrorCount() != errorCount) return false; // Simplify constraints stronglyConnectedComponents(); propagateLowerBounds(); simplify(); if(DEBUG) print(); return true; } private void touchNeighborhood(VarNode node) { for(Sub cur=node.lower;cur!=null;cur=cur.bNext) touch(cur.a); for(Sub cur=node.upper;cur!=null;cur=cur.aNext) touch(cur.b); for(PartOfUnion cur=node.partOf;cur!=null;cur=cur.aNext) touch(cur.b); } private void touchNeighborhood(UnionNode node) { for(Sub cur=node.lower;cur!=null;cur=cur.bNext) touch(cur.a); for(PartOfUnion;cur!=null;cur=cur.bNext) touch(cur.a); } THashSet set = new THashSet(); private void simplify() { for(VarNode node : sortedNodes) { if(node.index == SubsumptionGraph.REMOVED) continue; activeSet.add(node); queue.addLast(node); } for(UnionNode node : unionNodes) { if(node.constPart == SubsumptionGraph.REMOVED) continue; activeSet.add(node); queue.addLast(node); } while(!queue.isEmpty()) { Node node_ = queue.removeFirst(); activeSet.remove(node_); if(node_ instanceof VarNode) { VarNode node = (VarNode)node_; if(node.index == SubsumptionGraph.REMOVED) continue; if(node.lowerBound == node.upperBound) { if(DEBUG) System.out.println("replace " + toName(node) + " by " + effectIds.toType(node.lowerBound) + ", node.lowerBound == node.upperBound"); touchNeighborhood(node); node.removeConstantNode(effectIds, node.lowerBound); continue; } for(Sub cur=node.upper;cur!=null;cur=cur.aNext) if(cur.b == node) cur.remove(); if(node.upper != null && node.upper.aNext != null) { for(Sub cur=node.upper;cur!=null;cur=cur.aNext) if(!set.add(cur.b) || subsumes(node.upperBound, cur.a.lowerBound)) { touch(cur.b); cur.remove(); } set.clear(); } if(node.lower != null && node.lower.bNext != null) { for(Sub cur=node.lower;cur!=null;cur=cur.bNext) if(!set.add(cur.a) || subsumes(cur.a.upperBound, node.lowerBound)) { touch(cur.a); cur.remove(); } set.clear(); } Polarity polarity = node.getPolarity(); if(!polarity.isNegative()) { if(node.partOf == null) { if(node.lower == null) { // No low nodes if(DEBUG) System.out.println("replace " + toName(node) + " by " + effectIds.toType(node.lowerBound) + ", polarity=" + polarity + ", no low nodes"); touchNeighborhood(node); node.removeConstantNode(effectIds, node.lowerBound); continue; } else if(node.lower.bNext == null) { // Exactly one low node VarNode low = node.lower.a; if(low.lowerBound == node.lowerBound) { node.lower.remove(); if(DEBUG) System.out.println("replace " + toName(node) + " by " + toName(low) + ", polarity=" + polarity + ", just one low node"); touchNeighborhood(node); node.replaceBy(low); continue; } } } } else if(polarity == Polarity.NEGATIVE) { if(node.upper != null && node.upper.aNext == null) { Node high = node.upper.b; if(node.upperBound == high.upperBound && high instanceof VarNode) { VarNode varHigh = (VarNode)high; node.upper.remove(); if(DEBUG) System.out.println("replace " + toName(node) + " by " + toName(varHigh) + ", polarity=" + polarity + ", just one high node"); touchNeighborhood(node); node.replaceBy(varHigh); continue; } } } } else { UnionNode union = (UnionNode)node_; if(union.constPart == SubsumptionGraph.REMOVED) continue; if(union.lower == null) { int low = union.constPart; for(PartOfUnion;partOf!=null;partOf=partOf.bNext) low |= partOf.a.lowerBound; if(subsumes(union.lowerBound, low)) { if(DEBUG) { System.out.print("remove union, " + constToString(union.lowerBound) + " < " + constToString(low)); printUnion(union); } touchNeighborhood(union); union.remove(); continue; } } else { for(Sub cur=union.lower;cur!=null;cur=cur.bNext) { VarNode lowNode = union.lower.a; for(PartOfUnion;partOf!=null;partOf=partOf.bNext) if(partOf.a == lowNode) { cur.remove(); touch(union); break; } } } } } } private void checkLowerBounds() { for(VarNode node : varNodeMap.values()) checkLowerBound(node); for(UnionNode node : unionNodes) checkLowerBound(node); } private void checkLowerBound(Node node) { int upperBound = node.upperBound; if(!subsumes(node.lowerBound, upperBound)) for(LowerBoundSource source=node.lowerBoundSource;source!=null; if(!subsumes(source.lower, upperBound)) reportSubsumptionFailure(source.location, source.lower, upperBound); node.lowerBoundSource = null; } private void propagateLowerBounds() { for(VarNode node : sortedNodes) { for(Sub cur=node.lower;cur!=null;cur=cur.bNext) node.lowerBound |= cur.a.lowerBound; } if(!unionNodes.isEmpty()) { for(UnionNode node : unionNodes) { if( != null && != null) { // Remove duplicate parts of the union, might be there because of merging of strongly connected components THashSet varSet = new THashSet(); for(PartOfUnion;cur!=null;cur=cur.bNext) if(!varSet.add(cur.a)) cur.remove(); } for(Sub cur=node.lower;cur!=null;cur=cur.bNext) node.lowerBound |= cur.a.lowerBound; activeSet.add(node); queue.addLast(node); } while(!queue.isEmpty()) { Node node = queue.removeFirst(); activeSet.remove(node); int lowerBound = node.lowerBound; if(node instanceof VarNode) { VarNode var = (VarNode)node; for(Sub cur=var.upper;cur!=null;cur=cur.aNext) { Node highNode = cur.b; int newLowerBound = highNode.lowerBound & lowerBound; if(newLowerBound != highNode.lowerBound) { highNode.lowerBound = newLowerBound; touch(highNode); } } } else { UnionNode union = (UnionNode)node; for(PartOfUnion;cur!=null;cur=cur.bNext) { int residual = lowerBound & (~union.constPart); for(PartOfUnion;cur2!=null;cur2=cur2.bNext) if(cur2 != cur) residual = lowerBound & (~cur2.a.upperBound); VarNode partNode = cur.a; int newLowerBound = partNode.lowerBound | residual; if(newLowerBound != partNode.lowerBound) { partNode.lowerBound = newLowerBound; touch(partNode); } } } } } } private void reportSubsumptionFailure(long location, int lowerBound, int upperBound) { errorLog.log(location, "Side-effect " + effectIds.toType(lowerBound & (~upperBound)) + " is forbidden here."); } private final THashSet activeSet = new THashSet<>(); private final ArrayDeque queue = new ArrayDeque<>(); private void touch(Node node) { if(activeSet.add(node)) queue.addLast(node); } private void propagateUpperBounds() { for(VarNode node : varNodeMap.values()) if(node.upperBound != EffectIdMap.MAX) { activeSet.add(node); queue.addLast(node); } while(!queue.isEmpty()) { Node node = queue.removeFirst(); activeSet.remove(node); int upperBound = node.upperBound; if(node instanceof VarNode) { // Upper bounds for unions are not calculated immediately for(PartOfUnion cur=((VarNode)node).partOf;cur!=null;cur=cur.aNext) { UnionNode union = cur.b; touch(union); } } else { // New upper bound for union is calculated here UnionNode union = (UnionNode)node; int newUpperBound = union.constPart; for(PartOfUnion;cur!=null;cur=cur.bNext) newUpperBound |= cur.a.upperBound; if(newUpperBound != upperBound) node.upperBound = upperBound = newUpperBound; else continue; // No changes in upper bound, no need to propagate } // Propagate upper bound to smaller variables for(Sub cur=node.lower;cur!=null;cur=cur.bNext) { VarNode lowNode = cur.a; int newUpperBound = lowNode.upperBound & upperBound; if(newUpperBound != lowNode.upperBound) { lowNode.upperBound = newUpperBound; touch(lowNode); } } } } int curIndex; private void stronglyConnectedComponents() { sortedNodes = new ArrayList(varNodeMap.size()); for(VarNode node : varNodeMap.values()) node.index = -1; for(VarNode node : varNodeMap.values()) if(node.index == -1) { curIndex = 0; stronglyConnectedComponents(node); } } ArrayList sortedNodes; ArrayList stack = new ArrayList(); private int stronglyConnectedComponents(VarNode node) { int lowindex = node.index = curIndex++; stack.add(node); for(Sub sub=node.lower;sub != null;sub=sub.bNext) { VarNode child = sub.a; int childIndex = child.index; if(childIndex == -1) childIndex = stronglyConnectedComponents(child); lowindex = Math.min(lowindex, childIndex); } if(node.index == lowindex) { // root of strongly connected component VarNode stackNode = stack.remove(stack.size()-1); if(stackNode != node) { ArrayList otherInComponent = new ArrayList(4); while(stackNode != node) { otherInComponent.add(stackNode); stackNode = stack.remove(stack.size()-1); } mergeComponent(node, otherInComponent); } node.index = Integer.MAX_VALUE; sortedNodes.add(node); } return lowindex; } private void mergeComponent(VarNode root, ArrayList otherInComponent) { // There is no need to merge upper bounds, because they have been propagated int lowerBound = root.lowerBound; for(VarNode node : otherInComponent) lowerBound |= node.lowerBound; root.lowerBound = lowerBound; for(VarNode node : otherInComponent) { if(DEBUG) System.out.println("replace " + toName(node) + " by " + toName(root)); node.replaceBy(root); } } // Dummy debugging functions private String toName(Node node) { return ""; } private void printUnion(UnionNode union) { } private void print() { } private String constToString(int cons) { return ""; } /* private TypeUnparsingContext tuc = new TypeUnparsingContext(); private THashMap nameMap = new THashMap(); private char nextChar = 'a'; private String toName(Node node) { String name = nameMap.get(node); if(name == null) { name = new String(new char[] {'?', nextChar++}); nameMap.put(node, name); } return name; } private String constToString(int cons) { return effectIds.toType(cons).toString(tuc); } private boolean hasContent() { for(VarNode node : varNodeMap.values()) if(node.index != SubsumptionGraph.REMOVED) // if(node.lower != null) return true; for(UnionNode node : unionNodes) if(node.constPart != SubsumptionGraph.REMOVED) return true; return false; } private void print() { if(!hasContent()) return; System.out.println("vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv"); TypeUnparsingContext tuc = new TypeUnparsingContext(); for(VarNode node : varNodeMap.values()) { if(node.index == SubsumptionGraph.REMOVED) { //System.out.println(toName(node) + " removed"); continue; } System.out.print(toName(node)); if(node.lowerBound != EffectIdMap.MIN || node.upperBound != EffectIdMap.MAX) { System.out.print(" in ["); if(node.lowerBound != EffectIdMap.MIN) System.out.print(constToString(node.lowerBound)); System.out.print(".."); if(node.upperBound != EffectIdMap.MAX) { if(node.upperBound == 0) System.out.print("Pure"); else System.out.print(constToString(node.upperBound)); } System.out.print("]"); } System.out.println(" (" + node.getPolarity() + ")"); for(Sub cur=node.upper;cur!=null;cur=cur.aNext) { System.out.print(" < "); Node highNode = cur.b; if(highNode instanceof VarNode) { System.out.println(toName(highNode)); } else printUnion((UnionNode)highNode); } } for(UnionNode node : unionNodes) { if(node.lower != null) continue; System.out.print(constToString(node.lowerBound) + " < "); printUnion(node); } System.out.println("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"); } private void printUnion(UnionNode union) { System.out.print("union("); boolean first = true; if(union.constPart != EffectIdMap.MIN) { System.out.print(constToString(union.constPart)); first = false; } for(PartOfUnion;part!=null;part=part.bNext) { if(first) first = false; else System.out.print(", "); System.out.print(toName(part.a)); } System.out.println(")"); } */ public static void solve(ErrorLog errorLog, ArrayList subsumptions) { new SubSolver2(errorLog, subsumptions).solve(); } }