package org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.header; import java.util.List; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.elaboration.expressions.EVar; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.elaboration.expressions.annotations.AnnotationUtils; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.elaboration.expressions.records.FieldAssignment; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.errors.ErrorLog; public class ModuleHeader { public String deprecated; public String classLoader; public long classLoaderLocation; public String defaultLocalName; public List export; // Features public boolean chr; public boolean fields; public boolean edo; private void read(ErrorLog errorLog, FieldAssignment[] fields) { for(FieldAssignment assignment : fields) switch( { case "bundle": if(assignment.value == null) errorLog.log(assignment.location, "Property classLoader needs to be given a string value."); else { classLoader = AnnotationUtils.extractString(assignment.value); if(classLoader == null) errorLog.log(assignment.value.location, "Expected bundle name here."); else classLoaderLocation = assignment.location; } break; case "export": if(assignment.value == null) errorLog.log(assignment.location, "Property export needs to be given a list of exported symbols."); else { export = AnnotationUtils.extractIdentifierList(assignment.value); if(export == null) errorLog.log(assignment.value.location, "Expected a list of exported symbols."); } break; case "features": if(assignment.value == null) errorLog.log(assignment.location, "Property features needs to be given a list of features (identifiers)."); else { List features = AnnotationUtils.extractIdentifierList(assignment.value); if(features == null) errorLog.log(assignment.value.location, "Expected a list of features (identifiers)."); for(EVar feature : features) handleFeature(errorLog, feature); } break; case "defaultLocalName": if(assignment.value == null) errorLog.log(assignment.location, "Property defaultLocalName needs to be given a string value."); else { defaultLocalName = AnnotationUtils.extractString(assignment.value); if(defaultLocalName == null) errorLog.log(assignment.value.location, "Expected string here."); } break; case "deprecated": if(assignment.value == null) deprecated = ""; else { deprecated = AnnotationUtils.extractString(assignment.value); if(deprecated == null) errorLog.log(assignment.value.location, "Expected string here."); } break; default: errorLog.logWarning(assignment.location, "Unknown module header field was skipped."); } } private void handleFeature(ErrorLog errorLog, EVar feature) { switch( { case "chr": chr = true; break; case "fields": fields = true; break; case "edo": edo = true; break; default: errorLog.log(feature.location, "Unknown feature " + + "."); } } public static ModuleHeader process(ErrorLog errorLog, FieldAssignment[] fields) { if(fields == null) return null; ModuleHeader result = new ModuleHeader();, fields); return result; } }