package org.simantics.scl.compiler.runtime; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.constants.Constant; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.elaboration.modules.SCLValue; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.elaboration.rules.TransformationRule; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.environment.Environment; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.environment.GlobalOnlyEnvironment; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.types.JavaTypeTranslator; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.utils.JavaNamingPolicy; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.utils.LoggingOutputStream; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.utils.LoggingOutputStream.LogLevel; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.utils.TransientClassBuilder; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.decompilation.DecompilerFactory; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.decompilation.IDecompiler; import org.simantics.scl.compiler.module.Module; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; public class RuntimeModule { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RuntimeModule.class); public static final boolean VALIDATE_CLASS_NAMES = true; public static final boolean TRACE_CLASS_CREATION = false; Module module; ModuleClassLoader classLoader; THashMap valueCache = new THashMap(); TransientClassBuilder classBuilder; RuntimeModuleMap parentModuleMap; class ModuleClassLoader extends ClassLoader implements MutableClassLoader { // Module module; String moduleName; THashMap localClasses = new THashMap(); //ModuleClassLoaderMap parentModules; int transientPackageId = 0; public ModuleClassLoader(ClassLoader parent) { super(parent); this.moduleName = module.getName(); } public synchronized void addClass(String name, byte[] class_) { if(TRACE_CLASS_CREATION)"addClass " + name + " (" + class_.length + " bytes)"); if(VALIDATE_CLASS_NAMES) validateClassName(name); localClasses.put(name, class_); } public synchronized void addClasses(Map classes) { if(TRACE_CLASS_CREATION) for(String name : classes.keySet())"addClass " + name + " (" + classes.get(name).length + " bytes)"); if(VALIDATE_CLASS_NAMES) for(String name : classes.keySet()) validateClassName(name); localClasses.putAll(classes); } private void validateClassName(String name) { //; /*if(!name.startsWith(SCL_PACKAGE_PREFIX) || !extractClassLoaderId(name).equals(moduleName)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class name " + name + " does not start with '" + SCL_PACKAGE_PREFIX + moduleName + "$'."); */ } @Override public byte[] getBytes(String name) { // Non-SCL classes are not handled here if(!name.startsWith(SCL_PACKAGE_PREFIX)) return null; // Determine the id of the class loader which is responsible of the class String requestedModuleName = extractClassLoaderId(name); // Is class defined locally in this class loader? if(requestedModuleName.equals(this.moduleName)) { String internalName = name.replace('.', '/'); byte[] bytes = module.getClass(internalName); if(bytes != null) return bytes; return localClasses.get(internalName); } // Find suitable class loader that has this class locally { RuntimeModule parentModule = parentModuleMap.get(requestedModuleName); if(parentModule == null) return null; // Find the class from the ancestor class loader return parentModule.classLoader.getBytes(name); } } synchronized Class getLocalClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { // Is class already loaded Class clazz = findLoadedClass(name); if(clazz != null) return clazz; // If we have bytecode for it, let's define the class String internalName = name.replace('.', '/'); byte[] bytes = module.getClass(internalName); if(bytes == null) { bytes = localClasses.get(internalName); if(bytes == null) throw new ClassNotFoundException(name); } if(SCLCompilerConfiguration.SHOW_DECOMPILED_BYTECODE && SCLCompilerConfiguration.debugFilter(moduleName)) showDecompiledBytecode(internalName); return defineClass(name, bytes, 0, bytes.length); } private Class getClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { //"getClass " + name); // If the class is not generated from SCL, use parent class loader if(!name.startsWith(SCL_PACKAGE_PREFIX)) { try { return getParent().loadClass(name); } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { for(RuntimeModule module : parentModuleMap.values()) try { return module.classLoader.getParent().loadClass(name); } catch(ClassNotFoundException e2) { } } throw new ClassNotFoundException(name); } // Determine the id of the class loader which is responsible of the class String requestedModuleName = extractClassLoaderId(name); // Is class defined locally in this class loader? if(requestedModuleName.equals(this.moduleName)) return getLocalClass(name); // Find suitable class loader that has this class locally { RuntimeModule parentModule = parentModuleMap.get(requestedModuleName); if(parentModule == null) { LOGGER.error("requestedModuleName = " + requestedModuleName); LOGGER.error("this.moduleName = " + this.moduleName); throw new ClassNotFoundException(name); } // Find the class from the ancestor class loader return parentModule.classLoader.getLocalClass(name); } } @Override public synchronized Class loadClass(String name, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException { Class clazz = getClass(name); if (resolve) resolveClass(clazz); return clazz; } public Module getModule(String moduleName) { //"ModuleClassLoader.getModule(" + moduleName + ")"); if(moduleName.equals(this.moduleName)) return module; else { RuntimeModule parentModule = parentModuleMap.get(moduleName); if(parentModule == null) throw new RuntimeException("Didn't find module " + moduleName + "."); return parentModule.module; } } public String getModuleName() { return moduleName; } public synchronized String getFreshPackageName() { return moduleName + "$" + (++transientPackageId); } @Override public THashMap getConstantCache() { return null; } @Override public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return this; } private void showDecompiledBytecode(String className) { IDecompiler decompiler = DecompilerFactory.getDecompiler(); if(decompiler == null) return; decompiler.decompile(this, className, new OutputStreamWriter(new LoggingOutputStream(LOGGER, LogLevel.INFO))); } } public Environment moduleEnvironment = new GlobalOnlyEnvironment() { @Override protected Collection getModules() { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(parentModuleMap.size() + 1); result.add(module); for(RuntimeModule rm : parentModuleMap.values()) result.add(rm.module); return result; } @Override protected Module getModule(String name) { return classLoader.getModule(name); } @Override public void collectRules(Collection rules) { } @Override public List getFieldAccessors(String name) { // TODO Not clear if this is needed. return null; } }; public RuntimeModule(Module module, RuntimeModuleMap parentModuleMap, ClassLoader parentClassLoader) { if(parentClassLoader == null) throw new NullPointerException(); this.module = module; this.parentModuleMap = parentModuleMap; this.classLoader = new ModuleClassLoader(parentClassLoader); this.classBuilder = new TransientClassBuilder(classLoader, new JavaTypeTranslator(moduleEnvironment)); } public Object getValue(String name) throws ValueNotFound { // First try cache if(valueCache.containsKey(name)) return valueCache.get(name); // Try to resolve the name SCLValue valueConstructor = module.getValue(name); if(valueConstructor == null) throw new ValueNotFound(module.getName() + "/" + name); // Realize the value and cache it Object value = valueConstructor.realizeValue(getClassBuilder()); valueCache.put(name, value); return value; } private TransientClassBuilder getClassBuilder() { return classBuilder; } public Module getModule() { return module; } public MutableClassLoader getMutableClassLoader() { return classLoader; } public static String extractClassLoaderId(String className) { int p = className.indexOf('$', MutableClassLoader.SCL_PACKAGE_PREFIX_LENGTH); return JavaNamingPolicy.classNameToModuleName(p < 0 ? className.substring(MutableClassLoader.SCL_PACKAGE_PREFIX_LENGTH) : className.substring(MutableClassLoader.SCL_PACKAGE_PREFIX_LENGTH, p)); } public void dispose() { module.dispose(); module = null; valueCache.clear(); parentModuleMap = null; classLoader = null; classBuilder = null; } }