package org.simantics.scl.runtime.chr; /** * This class implements a pairing heap of CHR priorities. */ public abstract class CHRPriority implements Comparable { public final int priority; // Pairing heap private CHRPriority sibling; private CHRPriority child; boolean inContext; public CHRPriority(int priority) { this.priority = priority; } /** * This method assume that a and b are roots and their sibling field * can be overridden. */ public static CHRPriority merge(CHRPriority a, CHRPriority b) { if(a.priority <= b.priority) { a.sibling = null; b.sibling = a.child; a.child = b; return a; } else { a.sibling = b.child; b.sibling = null; b.child = a; return b; } } protected void ensureInContext(CHRContext context) { if(!inContext) { CHRPriority topPriority = context.topPriority; if(topPriority == null) context.topPriority = this; else context.topPriority = merge(topPriority, this); inContext = true; } } private CHRPriority mergeSiblings() { if(sibling == null) return this; CHRPriority nextSibling = sibling.sibling; CHRPriority merged = merge(this, sibling); if(nextSibling == null) return merged; else return merge(merged, nextSibling.mergeSiblings()); } public CHRPriority nextPriority() { if(child == null) return null; else { CHRPriority result = child.mergeSiblings(); child = null; return result; } } @Override public int compareTo(CHRPriority o) { return, o.priority); } public abstract void activate(CHRContext context); //public abstract CHRRuntimeRuleset getParent(); }