/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Association for Decentralized Information Management * in Industry THTH ry. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.simantics.spreadsheet.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.DataFormatter; import org.simantics.Simantics; import org.simantics.databoard.Bindings; import org.simantics.databoard.binding.error.BindingException; import org.simantics.databoard.binding.mutable.MutableVariant; import org.simantics.databoard.binding.mutable.Variant; import org.simantics.datatypes.utils.BTree; import org.simantics.db.ReadGraph; import org.simantics.db.Resource; import org.simantics.db.WriteGraph; import org.simantics.db.common.request.PossibleChild; import org.simantics.db.common.request.WriteRequest; import org.simantics.db.common.utils.Logger; import org.simantics.db.common.utils.NameUtils; import org.simantics.db.exception.AssumptionException; import org.simantics.db.exception.DatabaseException; import org.simantics.db.exception.VariableException; import org.simantics.db.layer0.util.Layer0Utils; import org.simantics.db.layer0.variable.ProxyVariables; import org.simantics.db.layer0.variable.Variable; import org.simantics.db.layer0.variable.VariableSpaceManipulator.PropertyCreationData; import org.simantics.db.layer0.variable.Variables; import org.simantics.db.request.Write; import org.simantics.db.service.SerialisationSupport; import org.simantics.document.server.io.IColor; import org.simantics.document.server.io.IFont; import org.simantics.document.server.io.RGBColor; import org.simantics.document.server.io.SimpleFont; import org.simantics.layer0.Layer0; import org.simantics.scl.runtime.function.Function1; import org.simantics.scl.runtime.tuple.Tuple; import org.simantics.spreadsheet.CellEditor; import org.simantics.spreadsheet.CellEditor.Transaction; import org.simantics.spreadsheet.ClientModel; import org.simantics.spreadsheet.ClientModel.OperationMode; import org.simantics.spreadsheet.Range; import org.simantics.spreadsheet.common.TableCell; import org.simantics.spreadsheet.common.cell.StringCellParser; import org.simantics.spreadsheet.common.exception.CellParseException; import org.simantics.spreadsheet.resource.SpreadsheetResource; import org.simantics.utils.datastructures.Pair; public class SpreadsheetUtils { public static final int SPREADSHEET_BTREE_SIZE = 100; public static String offset(String location, int rowOffset, int columnOffset) { Range range = decodeCellAbsolute(location); String result = cellName(range.startRow + rowOffset, range.startColumn + columnOffset); // System.err.println("offset " + location + "(" + rowOffset + " " + columnOffset + ") = >" + result); return result; } public static Object extract(Object object, int row, int column) { if(object instanceof List) { List list = (List)object; if(list.size() <= row) return null; Object item = list.get(row); if(item instanceof Tuple) { Tuple tuple = (Tuple)item; if(tuple.length() <= column) return null; return tuple.get(column); } } return null; } // 1 kirjain, 'A' + column // 2 kirjainta, 'A' + column % 26 , 'A' + int((column-26)/26) // 3 kirjainta 'A' + column % 26 , 'A' + int(column-(26*(26+1)) / 26) % 26 // 0 26 // 26 26 + 26*26 // 26 + 26*26 26 + 26*26 + 26*26*26 public static String columnName(int column, int current, int limit, int chars) { if(column < limit) { char[] buf = new char[chars]; column -= current; for(int i=chars-1;i>=0;i--) { char rem = (char)(column % 26); column = (column / 26); buf[i] = (char)('A' + rem); } return new String(buf); } else return columnName(column, limit, 26*(limit+1), chars+1); } public static String columnName(int column) { return columnName(column, 0, 26, 1); } public static String cellName(int row, int column) { String result = columnName(column); result += (row+1); return result; } public static Range decodeCellAbsolute(String identifier) { long l = decodeCellCoded(identifier); int row = (int)(l & 0xffffffff) - 1; int column = (int)((l>>32) & 0xffffffff); return new Range(row, row, column, column); } public static Range decodePossibleCellAbsolute(String identifier) { try { return decodeCellAbsolute(identifier); } catch (CellParseException e) { return null; } } public static long decodeCellCoded(String identifier) { // System.out.println("decodecellabsolute " + identifier); int row = 0; int column = 0; // identifier. int position = 0; // We skip $ here if(identifier.charAt(position) == '$') position++; int length = identifier.length(); while(position < length) { char b = identifier.charAt(position); if(b >= 'A' && b <= 'Z') column = column * 26 + (b-'A' + 1); else break; position++; } // We skip $ here if(position < length) if(identifier.charAt(position) == '$') position++; while(position < length) { char b = identifier.charAt(position); if(b >= '0' && b <= '9'){ row = row * 10 + b-'0'; } else if(b=='-' && position < (length-1)){//identify use of full row range here. position++; char b2 = identifier.charAt(position); if(b2=='1'){ row = 0; position++; break; } } else { break; } position++; } if(position == length) { // We need to be able to express -1 in row => report row + 1 here column--; // System.err.println("ra " + identifier + " => " + row + " " + column); return row + (((long)column)<<32); } else { throw new CellParseException("Cell identifier '" + identifier + "' is not a valid cell reference."); } } public static Range decodeCellRelative(String identifier, int row, int column) { int offset = Integer.valueOf(identifier.substring(1).trim()); // System.out.println("offset=" + offset); if(identifier.startsWith("L") || identifier.startsWith("l")) { return new Range(row, row, column-offset, column-offset); } else if(identifier.startsWith("R") || identifier.startsWith("r")) { return new Range(row, row, column+offset, column+offset); } else if(identifier.startsWith("U") || identifier.startsWith("u")) { return new Range(row-offset, row-offset, column, column); } else if(identifier.startsWith("D") || identifier.startsWith("d")) { return new Range(row+offset, row+offset, column, column); } else { throw new CellParseException("Relative cell syntax must begin with L|R|U|D."); } } public static Range decodeCell(String identifier, int row, int column) { if(identifier.startsWith("_")) { return decodeCellRelative(identifier.substring(1), row, column); } else { return decodeCellAbsolute(identifier); } } public static Range decodeReference(String identifier, int row, int column) { if(!identifier.startsWith("&")) throw new CellParseException("A reference cell was expected."); return decodeRange(identifier.substring(1), row, column); } public static List decodeRanges(String ranges){ String[] splitted = ranges.split(","); List result = new ArrayList<>(); for(String split : splitted){ result.add(decodeRange(split)); } return result; } public static int startRow(List ranges){ int s = -1; for(Range r : ranges){ if(r.startRow ranges){ int s = -1; for(Range r : ranges){ if(r.startColumnendRow){ endRow = r.endRow; } return endRow - startRow +1; } public static int amountOfColumns(Range r){ int endColumn = -2; int startColumn = -2; if(r.isFullColumns()){ return Range.MAXCOLUMNSPEC; } if(endColumn == -2 && startColumn == -2){ endColumn = r.endColumn; startColumn = r.startColumn; } if(r.startColumnendColumn){ endColumn = r.endColumn; } return endColumn - startColumn +1; } public static Range decodeRange(String rangeOrCell) { if(rangeOrCell.isEmpty()) return fullRange(); return decodeRange(rangeOrCell, 0, 0); } public static Range fullRange() { return new Range(0, -1, 0, -1); } public static Range decodeRange(String rangeOrCell, int row, int column) { String[] parts = rangeOrCell.split(":"); if(parts.length == 1) { return decodeCell(rangeOrCell, row, column); } else if (parts.length == 2) { Range from = decodeCell(parts[0].trim(), row, column); // System.out.println("decodefrom=" + from); Range to = decodeCell(parts[1].trim(), row, column); // System.out.println("decodeto=" + to); return Range.combine(from, to); } else { throw new CellParseException("The reference cell syntax was invalid. At most 1 occurrence of ':' is expected."); } } public static Pair> parse(String text, StringCellParser[] parsers) { try { for(StringCellParser parser : parsers) { Collection parsed = parser.parse(text); if(parsed != null) return Pair.make(parser.getType(), parsed); } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static boolean isImmutable(Object object) { return !(object instanceof Resource) && !(object instanceof Variable); } public static String getLabel(ReadGraph graph, Object object) throws DatabaseException { if(object == null) { return "no data"; } if(object instanceof Resource) { return NameUtils.getSafeName(graph, (Resource)object); } else if (object instanceof Variable) { try { Object value = ((Variable)object).getValue(graph); return value.toString(); //return toString(value); } catch (VariableException e) { Object value = ((Variable)object).getPropertyValue(graph, "Label"); return value.toString(); } } else if (object instanceof double[]) { return object.toString(); // return toString(object); } else { return object.toString(); } } private static String toString(Object object) { if(object instanceof double[]) { try { return Bindings.DOUBLE_ARRAY.toString(object); } catch (BindingException e) { return object.toString(); } } else { return object.toString(); } } public static String getContent(ReadGraph graph, Object object) throws DatabaseException { if(object == null) { return null; } if(object instanceof Resource) { SerialisationSupport support = graph.getService(SerialisationSupport.class); return support.getResourceSerializer().createRandomAccessId((Resource)object); } else if (object instanceof Variable) { return ((Variable)object).getURI(graph); } else { return ""; } } public static void main(String[] args) { for(int i=0;i<16384;i++) { String name = columnName(i); Range r = decodeCellAbsolute(name + "1"); System.err.println(i + " " + name + " " + r); } } public static String getLabel(ClientModel model, int row, int column) { try { String location = SpreadsheetUtils.cellName(row, column); String label = model.getPropertyAt(location, ClientModel.LABEL); if(label != null) return label; Variant content = SpreadsheetUtils.getSafeClientVariant(model, location, ClientModel.CONTENT); if(content != null) return SpreadsheetUtils.getContentString(content); else return null; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public static String getContentString(Variant content) { return content.getValue().toString(); } public static boolean isInBounds(String base, String location, int wBounds, int hBounds) { Range baseRange = decodeCellAbsolute(base); Range locationRange = decodeCellAbsolute(location); if(locationRange.startColumn < baseRange.startColumn) return false; if(locationRange.startRow < baseRange.startRow) return false; int wb = wBounds == -1 ? (Integer.MAX_VALUE / 3) : wBounds; int hb = hBounds == -1 ? (Integer.MAX_VALUE / 3) : hBounds; if(locationRange.startColumn > (baseRange.startColumn+wb-1)) return false; if(locationRange.startRow > (baseRange.startRow+hb-1)) return false; return true; } public static void schedule(CellEditor.Transaction transaction, Write write) { if(transaction == null) { TransactionImpl impl = (TransactionImpl)startTransaction(OperationMode.OPERATION); impl.add(write); impl.commit(); } else { TransactionImpl impl = (TransactionImpl)transaction; impl.add(write); } } public static Transaction startTransaction() { return startTransaction(OperationMode.EDIT_MODE); } public static Transaction startTransaction(OperationMode mode) { return new TransactionImpl(mode); } static class TransactionImpl implements CellEditor.Transaction { private ArrayList writes = new ArrayList<>(); private final OperationMode mode; private Object context; private List needSync; public TransactionImpl(OperationMode mode) { this.mode = mode; } public void commit() { Simantics.async(new WriteRequest() { @Override public void perform(WriteGraph graph) throws DatabaseException { graph.markUndoPoint(); for(int i=0;i(); needSync.add(object); } @Override public List needSynchronization() { return needSync; } } public static MutableVariant createVariant() { return new MutableVariant(); } public static Variant getSafeClientVariant(ClientModel clientModel, String location, String property) { try { return clientModel.getPossiblePropertyAt(location, property); } catch (Throwable t) { Logger.defaultLogError(t); return Variant.ofInstance(t.getMessage()); } } public static Resource createSheet(WriteGraph graph, Resource book, String name) throws DatabaseException { return createSheet(graph, book, name, new String[] {}, new int[] {}); } public static Resource createSheet(WriteGraph graph, Resource book, String name, String[] colNames, int[] colWidths) throws DatabaseException { Layer0 L0 = Layer0.getInstance(graph); SpreadsheetResource sr = SpreadsheetResource.getInstance(graph); Resource result = graph.newResource(); graph.claim(result, L0.InstanceOf, null, sr.Spreadsheet); if(name == null) { name = NameUtils.findFreshEscapedName(graph, "Sheet", book, L0.ConsistsOf); } graph.claimLiteral(result, L0.HasName, L0.NameOf, L0.String, name, Bindings.STRING); graph.claim(book, L0.ConsistsOf, L0.PartOf, result); // Resource newCell = graph.newResource(); // graph.claim(newCell, L0.InstanceOf, null, sr.Lines); // graph.claimLiteral(newCell, L0.HasName, L0.NameOf, L0.String, "Lines", Bindings.STRING); // graph.claim(result, L0.ConsistsOf, L0.PartOf, newCell); // BTree bt = new BTree(graph, SpreadsheetUtils.SPREADSHEET_BTREE_SIZE, SR.Lines, SR.LineNode, L0.PartOf, true); BTree bt = new BTree(graph, SpreadsheetUtils.SPREADSHEET_BTREE_SIZE, sr.Lines, sr.LineNode, L0.PartOf, false); // BTree bt = BTreeUtils.create(graph, sr.Lines, sr.LineNode, L0.PartOf, SpreadsheetUtils.SPREADSHEET_BTREE_SIZE, false); Resource lines = bt.rootOfBTree(); graph.claimLiteral(lines, L0.HasName, L0.NameOf, L0.String, "Lines", Bindings.STRING); graph.claim(result, L0.ConsistsOf, L0.PartOf, lines); { Resource newCell = graph.newResource(); graph.claim(newCell, L0.InstanceOf, null, sr.Dimensions); graph.claimLiteral(newCell, L0.HasName, L0.NameOf, L0.String, "Dimensions", Bindings.STRING); graph.addLiteral(newCell, sr.Dimensions_fitColumns, sr.Dimensions_fitColumns_Inverse, L0.Boolean, false, Bindings.BOOLEAN); graph.addLiteral(newCell, sr.Dimensions_fitRows, sr.Dimensions_fitRows_Inverse, L0.Boolean, false, Bindings.BOOLEAN); graph.addLiteral(newCell, sr.Dimensions_columnCount, sr.Dimensions_columnCount_Inverse, L0.Integer, 128, Bindings.INTEGER); graph.addLiteral(newCell, sr.Dimensions_rowCount, sr.Dimensions_rowCount_Inverse, L0.Integer, 256, Bindings.INTEGER); graph.claim(result, L0.ConsistsOf, L0.PartOf, newCell); } { Resource newCell = graph.newResource(); graph.claim(newCell, L0.InstanceOf, null, sr.Headers); graph.claimLiteral(newCell, L0.HasName, L0.NameOf, L0.String, "Headers", Bindings.STRING); graph.addLiteral(newCell, sr.Headers_columnLabels, sr.Headers_columnLabels_Inverse, L0.StringArray, colNames, Bindings.STRING_ARRAY); graph.addLiteral(newCell, sr.Headers_columnWidths, sr.Headers_columnWidths_Inverse, L0.IntegerArray, colWidths, Bindings.INT_ARRAY); graph.claim(result, L0.ConsistsOf, L0.PartOf, newCell); } return result; } public static Variable getBookVariable(ReadGraph graph, Resource book) throws DatabaseException { Variable variable = Variables.getVariable(graph, book); return ProxyVariables.makeProxyVariable(graph, variable, variable); } public static Variable sheetRun(ReadGraph graph, Resource book, Variable context) throws DatabaseException { Variable root = Variables.getVariable(graph, book); return ProxyVariables.makeProxyVariable(graph, root, context); } private static TableCell constructCell(int row, int column, Object data) { TableCell cell = new TableCell(); cell.row = row; cell.column = column; cell.text = data.toString(); return cell; } public static List queryCells(Object data) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); if(data instanceof List) { List list = (List)data; int row = 0; for(Object o : list) { if(o instanceof Tuple) { Tuple t = (Tuple)o; for(int i=0;i rowList = (List)o; int index = 0; for(Object obj : rowList) { result.add(constructCell(row, index++, obj)); } } else { result.add(constructCell(row, 0, o)); } row++; } } return result; } public static List organizeCells(int columns, List headers_, List cells) throws DatabaseException { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); int w = 0; // name + fields int h = 0; // number or rows excluding headers if(columns < 2) throw new AssumptionException("organizeCells: number of columns needs to be greater than 1"); for(TableCell cell : cells) { if((cell.column+1)>w) w = cell.column+1; if((cell.row)>h) h = cell.row; } int fields = w - 1; if(columns > (fields + 1)) columns = fields + 1;//throw new DatabaseException("organizeCells: number of block columns cannot be greater than the amount of columns in data"); int fieldsPerRow = columns - 1; int blocks = fields / fieldsPerRow; if(fields%fieldsPerRow > 0) blocks++; TableCell[] names = new TableCell[h]; TableCell[] headers = new TableCell[w]; for(TableCell cell : cells) { if(cell.row == 0) { headers[cell.column] = cell; } else if(cell.column == 0) { names[cell.row-1] = cell; } else { TableCell copy = new TableCell(cell); int block = (copy.column-1) / fieldsPerRow; copy.row = block*(h+1) + copy.row; copy.column = 1 + (copy.column-1) % fieldsPerRow; result.add(copy); } } for(int j=0;j= w) continue; TableCell header = new TableCell(headers[index]); header.row = rowBase; header.column = i; result.add(header); } } return result; } public static List modifyCells1(List cells, Function1 fn) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); for(TableCell cell : cells) result.add(fn.apply(cell)); return result; } public static List modifyCells(List cells, List> fns) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); for(TableCell cell : cells) { for(Function1 fn : fns) cell = fn.apply(cell); result.add(cell); } return result; } public static TableCell applyFont(IFont font, Function1 filter, TableCell cell) { if(!filter.apply(cell)) return cell; TableCell result = new TableCell(cell); result.font = font; return result; } public static TableCell applyAlign(int align, Function1 filter, TableCell cell) { if(!filter.apply(cell)) return cell; TableCell result = new TableCell(cell); result.align = align; return result; } public static TableCell applyForeground(IColor color, Function1 filter, TableCell cell) { if(!filter.apply(cell)) return cell; TableCell result = new TableCell(cell); result.foreground = color; return result; } public static TableCell applyBackground(IColor color,Function1 filter, TableCell cell) { if(!filter.apply(cell)) return cell; TableCell result = new TableCell(cell); result.background = color; return result; } public static IFont simpleFont(String family, String style, int height) { return new SimpleFont(family, style, height); } public static IColor rgbColor(int r, int g, int b) { return new RGBColor(r, g, b); } public static boolean selectRow(int row, TableCell cell) { return cell.row == row; } public static boolean selectColumn(int column, TableCell cell) { return cell.column == column; } public static void setSCLLine(WriteGraph graph, Resource spreadsheet, int row, String expression) throws DatabaseException { Layer0 L0 = Layer0.getInstance(graph); Resource lines = graph.syncRequest(new PossibleChild(spreadsheet, "Lines")); BTree bt = new BTree(graph, lines); SpreadsheetResource SR = SpreadsheetResource.getInstance(graph); Resource line = graph.newResource(); graph.claim(line, L0.InstanceOf, SR.Line); graph.addLiteral(line, L0.HasName, L0.NameOf, "" + row, Bindings.STRING); Layer0Utils.setExpression(graph, line, SR.Line_content, null, "[spreadsheetCell ]", L0.SCLValue); bt.insertBTree(graph, Variant.ofInstance(row), line); } public static String getFormattedLabel(ClientModel model, int row, int column, int formatIndex, String formatString) { if (formatString == null) return getLabel(model, row, column); try { String location = SpreadsheetUtils.cellName(row, column); Variant content = SpreadsheetUtils.getSafeClientVariant(model, location, ClientModel.CONTENT); if(content != null) { String contentString = SpreadsheetUtils.getContentString(content); if(contentString.equals("~CIRCULAR~REF~")) return "0"; double value = Double.valueOf(contentString); if (Double.isNaN(value)) return getLabel(model, row, column); DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter(); return formatter.formatRawCellContents(value, formatIndex, formatString); } return null; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return getLabel(model, row, column); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } }