## Simulation Software * [Apros](http://www.apros.fi/): A system modelling and simulation software for mainly process dynamics simulation; commercial. * [Balas](https://info.vttresearch.com/balas): A system modelling and simulation software for mainly process steady state simulation; commercial. * [Elmer](https://www.csc.fi/web/elmer): A finite element method (FEM) based multiphysics modelling and simulation software; open source (GPL). * [OpenModelica](https://www.openmodelica.org/): A generic system modelling and simulation software based on Modelica modelling language; open source (strict GPL). * [OpenFOAM](https://www.openfoam.com/): A fully featured, generic control volume based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software; open source (GPL). * [Code_Aster](https://www.code-aster.org/V2/spip.php?rubrique2): A finite element method (FEM) based structural analysis modelling and simulation software; open source (GPL). * [Code_Saturne](https://www.code-saturne.org/cms/): A control volume method (CVM) based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software; open source (GPL). * [Octave](http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/): a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations, mostly compatible with Matlab; open source (GPL). * [Scilab](https://www.scilab.org/): A scientific software package for numerical computations; open source (CeCILL, Cea Cnrs Inria Logiciel Libre). ## Pre-Processing and Mesh Generation * [SALOME](https://www.salome-platform.org/): A free software that provides a generic platform for Pre and Post-Processing for numerical simulation. It is based on an open and flexible architecture made of reusable components available as free software; open source (LGPL). * [Gmsh](http://gmsh.info/): An automatic 3D finite element grid generator with a built-in CAD engine and post-processor; open source (GPL). * [Netgen](https://ngsolve.org/): an automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator; open source (LGPL) * [TetGen](https://www.berlios.de/software/tetgen/): a program to generate tetrahedral meshes of any 3D polyhedral domain; free for research and non-commercial uses, for any commercial use a commercial license is required. ## Scientific Visualisation Software * [Paraview](https://www.paraview.org/): A multi-platform data analysis and visualization application based on VTK visualisation library; open source (ParaView License Version 1.2). * [VisIt](https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit/): A multi-platform data analysis and visualization application based on VTK visualisation library; open source (BSD license). ## Eclipse Related * [Eclipse.org](http://www.eclipse.org/): Eclipse project home page. * [Eclipse Corner Articles](http://www.eclipse.org/articles/): An archive of eclipse development tutorials. * [A Comparison of Eclipse Extensions and OSGi Services](http://eclipse.dzone.com/articles/comparison-eclipse-extensions-and-osgi-services) * Eclipse [SWT](http://www.eclipse.org/swt) widgets: * [Eclipse SWT FAQ](http://www.eclipse.org/swt/faq.php) * [SWT Snippets](http://www.eclipse.org/swt/snippets) * [Highly recommended examples for getting to know how SWT works](https://git.eclipse.org/c/platform/eclipse.platform.swt.git/tree/examples) * JFace: * [JFace Wiki](http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/JFace) * [JFace Snippets](http://wiki.eclipse.org/JFaceSnippets) * [Eclipsepedia](http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/Main_Page), Eclipse's own Wiki. Also check out the [Eclipsepedia FAQ's](http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/Main_Page#Frequently_Asked_Questions) * Eclipse conferences: * [EclipseCon 2007](http://www.eclipsecon.org/2007/) * [Contributing to Menus with the new API](http://www.eclipsecon.org/2007/index.php?page=sub/&id=3692) * [EclipseCon 2008](http://www.eclipsecon.org/2008/) * [Contributing to Menus](http://www.eclipsecon.org/2008/sub/attachments/Using_Commands_and_Menu_Contributions.ppt) * Eclipse articles: * [Workbench Selections](http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-WorkbenchSelections/article.html) * [Eclipse Jobs API](http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-Concurrency/jobs-api.html) * OSGi articles: * [OSGi and classpath](http://blog.springsource.com/2009/01/19/exposing-the-boot-classpath-in-osgi/) ## Graphics and Geometry Related * [W3C SVG](http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/) * [Batik SVG Toolkit](http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/batik/) * [jMonkey Engine](http://www.jmonkeyengine.com/) * [Open CASCADE](http://www.opencascade.org/) * [VTK](https://vtk.org/) * [Silk icon collection](http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/)