# required metadata sonar.projectKey=simantics-platform-sdk sonar.projectName=Simantics Platform SDK sonar.projectVersion=1.25 # path to source directories (required) sonar.sources=bundles/**/src/** # path to test source directories (optional) #sonar.tests=testDir1,testDir2 # path to project binaries (optional), for example directory of Java bytecode #sonar.binaries=binDir # optional comma-separated list of paths to libraries. Only path to JAR file and path to directory of classes are supported. #sonar.libraries=path/to/library.jar,path/to/classes/dir # Uncomment this line to analyse a project which is not a java project. # The value of the property must be the key of the language. #sonar.language=cobol # Additional parameters #sonar.my.property=value