]> gerrit.simantics Code Review - simantics/platform.git/blob - bundles/org.simantics.export.ui/src/org/simantics/export/ui/ContentSelectionPage.java
Check that do block is not empty.
[simantics/platform.git] / bundles / org.simantics.export.ui / src / org / simantics / export / ui / ContentSelectionPage.java
1 package org.simantics.export.ui;\r
2 \r
3 import java.net.MalformedURLException;\r
4 import java.net.URL;\r
5 import java.util.ArrayList;\r
6 import java.util.Collection;\r
7 import java.util.Collections;\r
8 import java.util.Comparator;\r
9 import java.util.HashMap;\r
10 import java.util.HashSet;\r
11 import java.util.List;\r
12 import java.util.Map;\r
13 import java.util.Set;\r
14 import java.util.TreeMap;\r
15 \r
16 import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;\r
17 import org.eclipse.jface.resource.JFaceResources;\r
18 import org.eclipse.jface.resource.LocalResourceManager;\r
19 import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardPage;\r
20 import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.grid.Grid;\r
21 import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.grid.GridColumn;\r
22 import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.grid.GridItem;\r
23 import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;\r
24 import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionAdapter;\r
25 import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionEvent;\r
26 import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionListener;\r
27 import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color;\r
28 import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image;\r
29 import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.RGB;\r
30 import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;\r
31 import org.simantics.db.exception.DatabaseException;\r
32 import org.simantics.export.core.ExportContext;\r
33 import org.simantics.export.core.error.ExportException;\r
34 import org.simantics.export.core.intf.ContentType;\r
35 import org.simantics.export.core.intf.Discoverer;\r
36 import org.simantics.export.core.intf.Exporter;\r
37 import org.simantics.export.core.intf.Format;\r
38 import org.simantics.export.core.intf.Publisher;\r
39 import org.simantics.export.core.manager.Content;\r
40 import org.simantics.export.core.manager.ExportWizardResult;\r
41 import org.simantics.export.core.util.ExportQueries;\r
42 import org.simantics.export.ui.util.ExportUIQueries;\r
43 import org.simantics.utils.datastructures.MapList;\r
44 import org.simantics.utils.datastructures.ToStringComparator;\r
45 import org.simantics.utils.strings.AlphanumComparator;\r
46 import org.simantics.utils.ui.workbench.StringMemento;\r
47 \r
48 /**\r
49  * Show wizard page where content and export format is selected.\r
50  *\r
51  * @author toni.kalajainen@semantum.fi\r
52  */\r
53 public class ContentSelectionPage extends WizardPage {\r
54         \r
55         /** Key for preference setting that contains sub-mementos for each content URI. */\r
56         public static final String KEY_FORMAT_SELECTIONS = "org.simantics.modeling.ui.export.wizard.formatSelections";\r
57 \r
58         // UI stuff\r
59         LocalResourceManager resourceManager;\r
60         Grid grid;\r
61         \r
62         // Initial data\r
63         ExportContext ctx; \r
64         // Hash-code for the initial data\r
65         String initialSelectionKey;\r
66         Set<Content> initialSelection = new HashSet<Content>();\r
67                 \r
68         // Previous selections\r
69         StringMemento formatSelections;\r
70         \r
71         // Initializations\r
72         Collection<String> allModels, selectedModels;\r
73         ToStringComparator toStringComparator = new ToStringComparator();\r
74         MapList<ContentType, String> content; // ContentType -> Content[]\r
75         MapList<ContentType, Format> typeToFormatMap; // ContentType -> Format\r
76         MapList<String, ContentType> contentToTypeMap; // uri -> ContentType\r
77         Map<String, Map<String, String>> labels; // ContentType -> URI -> Label\r
78         MapList<String, String> modelContent; // ModelURI -> ContentURI\r
79         \r
80         // User selections\r
81         List<Content> contentSelection = new ArrayList<Content>();\r
82         \r
83         public ContentSelectionPage(ExportContext ctx) throws ExportException {\r
84                 super("Select Content", "Select the PDF Pages and the attachments", null);\r
85                 this.ctx = ctx;\r
86                 \r
87                 init();\r
88         }\r
89         \r
90         void init() throws ExportException {\r
91                 try {\r
92                         System.out.println("Found Content Types:");\r
93                         for ( ContentType ct : ctx.eep.contentTypes() ) {\r
94                                 System.out.println("   "+ct);\r
95                         }\r
96                         System.out.println();\r
97                         \r
98                         System.out.println("Exporters:");\r
99                         for ( Exporter ex : ctx.eep.exporters() ) {\r
100                                 System.out.println("   "+ex);\r
101                         }\r
102                         System.out.println();\r
103 \r
104                         System.out.println("Formats:");\r
105                         for ( Format format : ctx.eep.formats() ) {\r
106                                 System.out.println("   "+format);\r
107                         }\r
108                         System.out.println();\r
109 \r
110                         System.out.println("Discoverers:");\r
111                         for ( Discoverer discoverer : ctx.eep.discoverers() ) {\r
112                                 System.out.println("   "+discoverer);\r
113                         }\r
114                         System.out.println();\r
115                         \r
116                         System.out.println("Publishers:");\r
117                         for ( Publisher publisher : ctx.eep.publishers() ) {\r
118                                 System.out.println("   "+publisher.id());\r
119                         }\r
120                         System.out.println();\r
121                         \r
122                         // Organize formats by content types - Filter out ContentTypes that don't have exporter and format.\r
123                         System.out.println("Mapped ContentTypes to Exporters:");\r
124                         typeToFormatMap = MapList.use( new TreeMap<ContentType, List<Format>>(toStringComparator) );\r
125                         for ( ContentType ct : ctx.eep.contentTypes() ) {\r
126                                 for ( Exporter exp : ctx.eep.getExportersForContentType( ct.id() ) ) {\r
127                                         Format format = ctx.eep.getFormat( exp.formatId() );\r
128                                         if ( format==null ) continue;\r
129                                         System.out.println("    "+ct.id()+" -> "+format.fileext());\r
130                                         if (!typeToFormatMap.contains(ct, format)) typeToFormatMap.add(ct, format);\r
131                                 }\r
132                         }\r
133                         System.out.println();\r
134                         \r
135                         // Discover the models in the project\r
136                         allModels = ctx.session.syncRequest( ExportUIQueries.models(ctx.project) );\r
137 \r
138                         // Calculate hash for the initial selection\r
139                         int initialContentHash = 0x52f3a45;\r
140                         for ( String content : ctx.selection ) {\r
141                                 initialContentHash = 13*initialContentHash + content.hashCode();\r
142                         }\r
143                         initialSelectionKey = "InitialSelection-"+initialContentHash;\r
144                         String sel = ctx.store.get(initialSelectionKey, null);\r
145                         if ( sel != null ) {\r
146                                 initialSelection = ExportWizardResult.parse(sel);\r
147                         } else {\r
148                                 // First time wizard was called with this selection.\r
149                                 // Check in\r
150                                 for ( String contentUri : ctx.selection ) {\r
151                                         initialSelection.add( new Content(contentUri, null, "all", null, null, null) );\r
152                                 }\r
153                         }\r
154                         \r
155                         // Choose the models from user interface selection\r
156                         selectedModels = new ArrayList<String>();\r
157                         StringBuilder modelsStr = new StringBuilder(); \r
158                         for ( String content : ctx.selection ) {\r
159                                 for ( String model : allModels ) {\r
160                                         if ( content.equals(model) || content.startsWith(model + "/") ) {\r
161                                                 if ( !selectedModels.contains( model ) ) {\r
162                                                         selectedModels.add( model );\r
163                                                         if ( modelsStr.length()>0 ) modelsStr.append(", ");\r
164                                                         modelsStr.append( model );\r
165                                                 }\r
166                                         }\r
167                                 }\r
168                         }\r
169                         // If user has nothing selected, choose active models\r
170                         if ( selectedModels.isEmpty() ) selectedModels.addAll( ctx.activeModels );\r
171                         // If there are no active models, choose all models\r
172                         if ( selectedModels.isEmpty() ) selectedModels.addAll( allModels );\r
173                         // UI labels\r
174                         labels = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();                    \r
175                         labels.put( "model", ctx.session.syncRequest( ExportQueries.labels( selectedModels ) ) ); // Should Model CT be used for labeling? \r
176                         \r
177                         // Discover contents\r
178                         System.out.println("Discovering content: "+modelsStr);\r
179                         content = MapList.use( new TreeMap<ContentType, List<String>>(toStringComparator) );\r
180                         contentToTypeMap = MapList.use( new TreeMap<String, List<ContentType>>(toStringComparator) );\r
181                         modelContent = MapList.use( new TreeMap<String, List<String>>() );\r
182                         \r
183                         for ( ContentType ct : typeToFormatMap.getKeys() ) {\r
184                                 System.out.println("    "+ct.label());\r
185                                 for ( Discoverer discoverer : ctx.eep.getDiscoverers( ct.id() )) {\r
186                                         System.out.println("         "+discoverer.toString());\r
187                                         \r
188                                         // Get content Uris\r
189                                         Collection<String> contents = discoverer.discoverContent(ctx, selectedModels);\r
190                                         List<String> contentUris = new ArrayList<String>( contents );\r
191 \r
192                                         // Get UI Labels\r
193                                         Map<String, String> lbls = ct.getLabels(ctx, contentUris); \r
194                                         labels.put( ct.id(), lbls );\r
195                                         \r
196                                         // Sort content\r
197                                         IndirectComparator comp = new IndirectComparator();\r
198                                         comp.labels = lbls;\r
199                                         Collections.sort( contentUris, comp );\r
200                                         \r
201                                         for ( String contentId : contentUris ) {\r
202                                                 content.add( ct, contentId );\r
203                                                 contentToTypeMap.add(contentId, ct);\r
204                                                 //modelContent.add(key)\r
205                                                 System.out.println("            "+contentId);\r
206                                         }\r
207                                         \r
208                                 }\r
209                         }\r
210                         System.out.println();\r
211                                                 \r
212                                 \r
213                 } catch (DatabaseException e) {\r
214                         throw new ExportException(e);\r
215                 }\r
216 \r
217                 \r
218         }\r
219         \r
220         @Override\r
221         public void createControl(Composite parent) {\r
222             grid = new Grid(parent, SWT.BORDER | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.MULTI);\r
223             grid.setHeaderVisible(true);\r
224             \r
225             resourceManager = new LocalResourceManager(JFaceResources.getResources(), grid);\r
226             Color contentTypeColor = resourceManager.createColor( new RGB(245, 245, 252) );\r
227             GridColumn column = new GridColumn(grid,SWT.NONE);\r
228             column.setTree(true);\r
229             column.setText("Name");\r
230             column.setWidth(200);           \r
231 \r
232             // "Pagees"\r
233             assertColumnIndex(1);\r
234                     \r
235             Format pdfFormat = ctx.eep.getFormat("pdf");\r
236             \r
237             \r
238             ImageDescriptor folderID = null;\r
239                 try {\r
240                         URL folderUrl = new URL("platform:/plugin/com.famfamfam.silk/icons/folder.png");\r
241                     folderID = ImageDescriptor.createFromURL( folderUrl );\r
242                 } catch (MalformedURLException e) {\r
243                         e.printStackTrace();\r
244                 }\r
245                 \r
246                 List<GridItem> selectedNodes = new ArrayList<GridItem>();\r
247             \r
248             // Iterate all models\r
249             for ( String modelUri : contentToTypeMap.getKeys() ) {\r
250                 ContentType modelContentType = null;\r
251                 for ( ContentType ct : contentToTypeMap.getValues(modelUri) ) {\r
252                         if ( ct.isModel() ) {\r
253                                 modelContentType = ct;\r
254                                 break;\r
255                         }\r
256                 }\r
257                 if (modelContentType==null) continue;\r
258                 \r
259                 // Create Model Node\r
260                 String modelLabel = labels.get("model").get(modelUri);\r
261                         GridItem modelNode = newLine(grid, modelLabel, modelUri, modelContentType.id()); \r
262                         setIcon(modelNode, 0, modelContentType.icon(modelUri));\r
263                         modelNode.setToolTipText(0, modelUri);\r
264                         \r
265                         if ( ctx.selection.contains( modelUri ) ) selectedNodes.add( modelNode );\r
266 \r
267                         // Columns for formats\r
268                         int column1 = 1;\r
269                         for ( ContentType ct : contentToTypeMap.getValues(modelUri) ) {\r
270                                 for ( Format format : typeToFormatMap.getValues(ct) ) {\r
271                                         column1++;\r
272                                         assertColumnIndex( column1 );\r
273                                         modelNode.setText(column1, format.fileext());\r
274                                         modelNode.setGrayed(column1, false);\r
275                                         modelNode.setCheckable(column1, true);\r
276                                         modelNode.setData( Integer.toString(column1), \r
277                                                         new Content(modelUri, ct.id(), format.id(), modelLabel, format.fileext(), modelUri ) );\r
278                                     modelNode.setChecked(column1, hasInitialSelection(modelUri, format.id()));\r
279                                     modelNode.setToolTipText(column1, format.label());\r
280 \r
281                                         ImageDescriptor id = format.icon();\r
282                                         if ( id!=null ) {\r
283                                                 Image icon = resourceManager.createImage(id);\r
284                                                 if ( icon!=null) modelNode.setImage(column1, icon);\r
285                                         }\r
286                                 }\r
287                         }\r
288                         \r
289                         for ( ContentType ct : content.getKeys() ) \r
290                         {\r
291                                 if ( ct.isModel() ) continue;\r
292                                 // ContentType Node\r
293                                 GridItem ctNode = newLine(modelNode, ct.label(), modelUri, ct.id());\r
294                                 ctNode.setExpanded( true );\r
295                                 ctNode.setBackground(0, contentTypeColor);\r
296                                 ctNode.setBackground(contentTypeColor);\r
297                                 setIcon(ctNode, 0, folderID);\r
298                                 int contentCount = 0;\r
299                                 ArrayList<Format> contentTypesFormats = new ArrayList<Format>();\r
300                                 \r
301                                 for ( String contentUri : content.getValues(ct) ) {\r
302                                         // WORKAROUND: Should not be based on URI\r
303                                         if ( !contentUri.startsWith(modelUri) ) continue;\r
304                                         // Content Node\r
305                                         String nodeLabel = labels.get(ct.id()).get(contentUri);\r
306                                         GridItem contentNode = newLine(ctNode, nodeLabel, contentUri, ct.id());\r
307                                         contentCount++;\r
308                                         contentNode.setToolTipText(0, contentUri);\r
309                                         setIcon(contentNode, 0, ct.icon(contentUri));\r
310                                         \r
311                                         if ( ctx.selection.contains( contentUri) ) selectedNodes.add( contentNode );\r
312                                 \r
313                                         int columnNumber = 0;\r
314                                         \r
315                                         // PDF Column\r
316                                         List<Format> formats = typeToFormatMap.getValues(ct);\r
317                                         if ( formats.contains( pdfFormat )) {\r
318                                                 if ( !contentTypesFormats.contains(pdfFormat) ) contentTypesFormats.add(pdfFormat);\r
319                                                 columnNumber++;\r
320                                                 assertColumnIndex( columnNumber );\r
321                                                 \r
322                                                 contentNode.setText(columnNumber, "  "+pdfFormat.fileext());\r
323                                                 contentNode.setGrayed(columnNumber, false);\r
324                                             contentNode.setCheckable(columnNumber, true);\r
325                                             contentNode.setChecked(columnNumber, hasInitialSelection(contentUri, pdfFormat.id()) );\r
326                                             contentNode.setToolTipText(columnNumber, pdfFormat.label());\r
327                                                 setIcon(contentNode, columnNumber, pdfFormat.icon());\r
328                                                                                                 \r
329                                                 contentNode.setData(\r
330                                                                 Integer.toString(columnNumber), \r
331                                                                 new Content(contentUri, ct.id(), pdfFormat.id(), nodeLabel, pdfFormat.fileext(), modelUri ) );\r
332                                                 \r
333                                         } else {\r
334                                                 if ( !contentTypesFormats.contains(null) ) contentTypesFormats.add(null);\r
335                                                 columnNumber++;\r
336                                                 assertColumnIndex( columnNumber );\r
337                                         }\r
338                                         \r
339                                         // Attachment Columns\r
340                                         for (Format format : formats ) {\r
341                                                 if ( format==pdfFormat ) continue;\r
342                                                 if ( !contentTypesFormats.contains(format) ) contentTypesFormats.add(format);\r
343                                                 columnNumber++;\r
344                                                 assertColumnIndex( columnNumber );\r
345                                                 contentNode.setText(columnNumber, "  "+format.fileext());\r
346                                                 contentNode.setGrayed(columnNumber, false);\r
347                                             contentNode.setCheckable(columnNumber, true);\r
348                                             contentNode.setChecked(columnNumber, hasInitialSelection(contentUri, format.id()) );\r
349                                             contentNode.setToolTipText(columnNumber, format.label());                                           \r
350                                             setIcon(contentNode, columnNumber, format.icon());\r
351 \r
352                                                 contentNode.setData(\r
353                                                                 Integer.toString(columnNumber), \r
354                                                                 new Content(contentUri, ct.id(), format.id(), nodeLabel, format.fileext(), modelUri ) );\r
355                                         }\r
356                                 }\r
357                                 \r
358                                 // Add the *.pdf buttons\r
359                                 int columnNumber = 0;\r
360                                 Set<GridItem> gis = new HashSet<GridItem>();\r
361                                 for ( Format format : contentTypesFormats ) {\r
362                                         columnNumber++;\r
363                                         ctNode.setBackground(columnNumber, contentTypeColor);\r
364                                         if ( format == null ) continue;\r
365                                         ctChecks.add( new CTCheck(ctNode, columnNumber, format) );\r
366                                         ctNode.setCheckable(columnNumber, true);\r
367                                         ctNode.setGrayed(columnNumber, true);\r
368                                         //setIcon(ctNode, columnNumber, format.icon());\r
369                                         gis.add(ctNode);\r
370                                         //ctNode.setData(Integer.toString(columnNumber), format );\r
371                                         //ctNode.setText(columnNumber, "*"+format.fileext());\r
372                                 }\r
373                         \r
374                                 if ( contentCount == 0 ) {\r
375                                         ctNode.dispose();\r
376                                 }\r
377                                 \r
378                         }\r
379                         modelNode.setExpanded( true );\r
380             }\r
381             grid.setSelection( selectedNodes.toArray( new GridItem[selectedNodes.size()] ) );\r
382             if ( selectedNodes.size()>0 ) {\r
383                 GridItem first = selectedNodes.get(0);\r
384                 grid.setFocusItem( first );             \r
385             }\r
386 \r
387             grid.addSelectionListener(ctChecksListener);\r
388             /*\r
389             grid.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() {\r
390                         public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {\r
391                                 if ( e.item == null || e.item instanceof GridItem==false ) return;\r
392                                 GridItem gi = (GridItem) e.item;\r
393                                 GridColumn column = grid.getColumn( new Point(e.x, e.y) );\r
394                                 if ( column == null ) return;\r
395                                 int columnIndex = -1;\r
396                                 int columnCount = grid.getColumnCount();\r
397                                 for ( int i=0; i<columnCount; i++) {\r
398                                         GridColumn gc = grid.getColumn(i);\r
399                                         if ( gc == column ) {\r
400                                                 columnIndex = i;\r
401                                                 break;\r
402                                         }\r
403                                 }\r
404                                 System.out.println(e.detail);\r
405                                 System.out.println(e);\r
406                                 System.out.println(columnIndex);\r
407                                 String text = gi.getText(columnIndex);\r
408                                 System.out.println(text);\r
409                         }\r
410                 });*/\r
411             \r
412         setControl(grid);\r
413         setPageComplete(true);\r
414         }\r
415         \r
416         void setIcon(GridItem node, int index, ImageDescriptor icon) {\r
417                 if ( icon == null ) return;\r
418                 Image image = resourceManager.createImage(icon);\r
419                 if ( image == null ) return;\r
420                 node.setImage(index, image);\r
421         }\r
422         \r
423         /**\r
424          * Creates column index if doesn't exist.\r
425          * Column=2, is "Pages"\r
426          * Column>=3, is "Attachement"\r
427          * \r
428          * @param columnIndex\r
429          */\r
430         void assertColumnIndex(int columnIndex) {\r
431                 while ( columnIndex >= grid.getColumnCount() ) {\r
432                         int cc = grid.getColumnCount();\r
433                         \r
434                     GridColumn column = new GridColumn(grid, SWT.CHECK);\r
435                     column.setText( cc==1?"Pages":"Attachments");\r
436                     column.setWidth( cc==1?150:200 );\r
437                     \r
438                     for (GridItem gi : grid.getItems()) {\r
439                                 gi.setGrayed(cc, true);\r
440                                 gi.setCheckable(cc, false);\r
441                     }\r
442                         \r
443                 }       \r
444         }\r
445         \r
446         boolean hasInitialSelection(String uri, String formatId) {\r
447                 for (Content c : initialSelection) {\r
448                         if ( !c.url.equals( uri ) ) continue;\r
449                         if ( c.formatId.equals("all") || c.formatId.equals(formatId) ) return true;\r
450                 }\r
451                 return false;\r
452         }\r
453         \r
454         GridItem newLine(Object parent, String label, String url, String contentTypeId) {\r
455                 GridItem gi = null;\r
456                 if (parent instanceof Grid) {\r
457                         gi = new GridItem( (Grid)parent, SWT.NONE);\r
458                 } else {\r
459                         gi = new GridItem( (GridItem)parent, SWT.NONE);\r
460                 }\r
461                 \r
462                 gi.setText( label );\r
463                 if ( url!=null || contentTypeId!=null ) gi.setData( new Content(url, contentTypeId, null, label, null, null) );\r
464                 for ( int columnIndex=0; columnIndex<grid.getColumnCount(); columnIndex++ ) {\r
465                         gi.setGrayed(columnIndex, true);\r
466                         gi.setCheckable(columnIndex, false);\r
467                 }\r
468                                 \r
469                 return gi;              \r
470         }\r
471                 \r
472         public void validatePage() {\r
473                 List<Content> newContentSelection = new ArrayList<Content>();                           \r
474                 // Get list of content.. something must be checked\r
475                 int columnWidth = grid.getColumnCount();\r
476         Set<String> checkedFormats = new HashSet<String>();\r
477             for (GridItem gi : grid.getItems()) {\r
478                 /*\r
479                 checkedFormats.clear();\r
480                 GridItem parentItem = gi.getParentItem();\r
481                 if ( parentItem!=null ) {\r
482                         for (int c=0; c<columnWidth; c++) {\r
483                                 if ( parentItem.getChecked(c) ) {\r
484                                         Object data = parentItem.getData( Integer.toString(c) );\r
485                                         if ( data==null || data instanceof Format == false ) continue;\r
486                                         Format format = (Format) data;\r
487                                         checkedFormats.add( format.id() );\r
488                                 }\r
489                         }\r
490                 }*/\r
491                 \r
492                 for (int c=0; c<columnWidth; c++) {                     \r
493                         Object data = gi.getData( Integer.toString(c) );\r
494                         if ( data==null || data instanceof Content == false ) continue;\r
495                         Content content = (Content) data;                       \r
496                         if ( gi.getChecked(c) || checkedFormats.contains(content.formatId) ) {\r
497                                 newContentSelection.add( content );\r
498                         }\r
499                 }\r
500                 \r
501             }\r
502             \r
503             contentSelection = newContentSelection;\r
504         }\r
505         \r
506         public List<Content> getContentSelection() {\r
507                 return contentSelection;\r
508         }\r
509 \r
510         public void savePrefs() {\r
511                 String str = ExportWizardResult.print( getContentSelection() );\r
512                 ctx.store.put(initialSelectionKey, str);\r
513         }\r
514         \r
515         static class IndirectComparator implements Comparator<String> {\r
516                 Map<String, String> labels;\r
517 \r
518                 @Override\r
519                 public int compare(String o1, String o2) {\r
520                         String l1 = null, l2 = null;\r
521                         if ( labels != null ) {\r
522                                 l1 = labels.get(o1);\r
523                                 l2 = labels.get(o2);\r
524                         } \r
525                         if ( l1 == null ) l1 = o1;\r
526                         if ( l2 == null ) l2 = o2;\r
527                         return AlphanumComparator.CASE_INSENSITIVE_COMPARATOR.compare(l1, l2);\r
528                 }\r
529         }\r
530         \r
531         //// Code for following clicks on ContentType format specific checkboxes\r
532         List<CTCheck> ctChecks = new ArrayList<CTCheck>();\r
533         static class CTCheck {\r
534                 GridItem gi;\r
535                 int columnNumber;\r
536                 Format format;\r
537                 boolean lastKnownCheckedStatus = false;\r
538                 CTCheck(GridItem gi, int columnNumber, Format format) {\r
539                         this.gi = gi;\r
540                         this.columnNumber = columnNumber;\r
541                         this.format = format;\r
542                 }\r
543                 boolean previousSelection;\r
544                 boolean checkStatus() {\r
545                         return gi.getChecked(columnNumber);\r
546                 }\r
547                 void setCheck(boolean checked) {\r
548                         gi.setChecked(columnNumber, checked);\r
549                 }\r
550         }\r
551         \r
552     SelectionListener ctChecksListener = new SelectionAdapter() {\r
553                 public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {\r
554                         if ( e.item == null || e.item instanceof GridItem==false ) return;\r
555                         int columnWidth = grid.getColumnCount();\r
556                         for ( CTCheck cc : ctChecks ) {\r
557                                 boolean checked = cc.checkStatus();\r
558                                 if ( checked == cc.lastKnownCheckedStatus ) continue;\r
559                                 cc.lastKnownCheckedStatus = checked;\r
560                                 \r
561                                 for ( GridItem gi : cc.gi.getItems() ) {\r
562                                         for ( int columnNumber = 0; columnNumber<columnWidth; columnNumber++ ) {\r
563                                         Object data = gi.getData( Integer.toString( columnNumber ) );\r
564                                         if ( data==null || data instanceof Content == false ) continue;\r
565                                         Content content = (Content) data;                       \r
566                                                 if ( !content.formatId.equals( cc.format.id() )) continue;\r
567                                                 gi.setChecked(columnNumber, checked);\r
568                                         }\r
569                                 }                               \r
570                         }\r
571                         \r
572                 }\r
573         };\r
574         \r
575 \r
576         \r
577 }\r