]> gerrit.simantics Code Review - simantics/platform.git/blob - bundles/org.simantics.scl.compiler/src/org/simantics/scl/compiler/internal/codegen/ssa/statements/LetApply.java
[simantics/platform.git] / bundles / org.simantics.scl.compiler / src / org / simantics / scl / compiler / internal / codegen / ssa / statements / LetApply.java
1 package org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.ssa.statements;\r
2 \r
3 import java.util.ArrayList;\r
4 import java.util.Arrays;\r
5 \r
6 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.common.exceptions.InternalCompilerError;\r
7 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.constants.Constant;\r
8 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.constants.SCLConstant;\r
9 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.continuations.ContRef;\r
10 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.references.BoundVar;\r
11 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.references.Val;\r
12 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.references.ValRef;\r
13 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.ssa.SSABlock;\r
14 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.ssa.SSAExit;\r
15 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.ssa.SSAFunction;\r
16 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.ssa.SSAStatement;\r
17 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.ssa.binders.BoundVarBinder;\r
18 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.ssa.binders.ValRefBinder;\r
19 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.ssa.exits.Jump;\r
20 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.ssa.exits.Switch;\r
21 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.utils.CopyContext;\r
22 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.utils.MethodBuilder;\r
23 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.utils.PrintingContext;\r
24 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.utils.SSASimplificationContext;\r
25 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.utils.SSAValidationContext;\r
26 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.internal.codegen.utils.ValRefVisitor;\r
27 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.top.SCLCompilerConfiguration;\r
28 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.types.TVar;\r
29 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.types.Type;\r
30 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.types.Types;\r
31 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.types.exceptions.MatchException;\r
32 import org.simantics.scl.compiler.types.util.MultiFunction;\r
33 \r
34 public class LetApply extends LetStatement implements ValRefBinder {\r
35     private ValRef function;\r
36     private ValRef[] parameters;\r
37     Type effect;\r
38     \r
39     public LetApply(BoundVar target, Type effect, ValRef function, ValRef ... parameters) {\r
40         super(target);\r
41         if(SCLCompilerConfiguration.DEBUG) {\r
42             if(effect == null)\r
43                 throw new InternalCompilerError();\r
44             if(function.getBinding() == null)\r
45                 throw new InternalCompilerError();\r
46         }\r
47         this.setFunction(function);\r
48         this.setParameters(parameters);\r
49         this.effect = Types.canonical(effect);\r
50     }\r
51 \r
52     public void push(MethodBuilder mb) {\r
53         //mb.getCodeBuilder().mapLineNumber(lineNumber);\r
54         Val f = getFunction().getBinding();\r
55         Val[] ps = ValRef.getBindings(getParameters());\r
56         if(f instanceof Constant) {\r
57             Constant cf = (Constant)f;\r
58             Type returnType = cf.apply(mb, getFunction().getTypeParameters(), ps);\r
59             if(Types.isBoxed(returnType))\r
60                 mb.unbox(target.getType());\r
61         }\r
62         else {            \r
63             mb.push(f, f.getType());\r
64             mb.pushBoxed(ps);\r
65             mb.genericApply(ps.length);\r
66             mb.unbox(target.getType());\r
67         }\r
68     }\r
69     \r
70     @Override\r
71     public void generateCode(MethodBuilder mb) {\r
72         if(!target.generateOnFly) {\r
73             push(mb);\r
74             mb.store(target);\r
75         }\r
76     }\r
77 \r
78     @Override\r
79     public void toString(PrintingContext context) {\r
80         if(determineGenerateOnFly())\r
81             context.addInlineExpression(target, this);\r
82         else\r
83             toStringAux(context);\r
84     }\r
85     \r
86     private void toStringAux(PrintingContext context) {\r
87         context.indentation();\r
88         context.append(target);\r
89         context.append("(" + target.occurrenceCount() + ")");\r
90         context.append(" = ");\r
91         bodyToString(context);\r
92         context.append('\n');\r
93         \r
94     }\r
95     \r
96     public void bodyToString(PrintingContext context) {\r
97         if(context.getErrorMarker() == this)\r
98             context.append("!> ");\r
99         if(hasEffect()) {\r
100             context.append("<");\r
101             context.append(effect);\r
102             context.append("> ");\r
103         }\r
104         context.append(getFunction());\r
105         for(ValRef parameter : getParameters()) {\r
106             context.append(' ');\r
107             context.append(parameter);\r
108         }\r
109     }\r
110     \r
111     @Override\r
112     public String toString() {\r
113         PrintingContext context = new PrintingContext();\r
114         toStringAux(context);\r
115         return context.toString();\r
116     }\r
117 \r
118     @Override\r
119     public void validate(SSAValidationContext context) {\r
120         context.validate(target);\r
121         if(target.getParent() != this)\r
122             throw new InternalCompilerError();\r
123         context.validate(function);\r
124         if(function.getParent() != this)\r
125             throw new InternalCompilerError();\r
126         for(ValRef parameter : parameters) {\r
127             context.validate(parameter);\r
128             if(parameter.getParent() != this)\r
129                 throw new InternalCompilerError();\r
130         }\r
131         //if(parameters.length == 0)\r
132         //    throw new InternalCompilerError();\r
133         \r
134         \r
135         MultiFunction mFun;\r
136         try {\r
137             mFun = Types.matchFunction(getFunction().getType(), getParameters().length);\r
138         } catch (MatchException e) {\r
139             context.setErrorMarker(this);\r
140             throw new InternalCompilerError();\r
141         }\r
142         for(int i=0;i<getParameters().length;++i)\r
143             context.assertSubsumes(this, getParameters()[i].getType(), mFun.parameterTypes[i]);\r
144         context.assertSubsumes(this, target.getType(), mFun.returnType);\r
145         context.assertEqualsEffect(this, effect, mFun.effect);\r
146     }\r
147 \r
148     @Override\r
149     public void destroy() {\r
150         getFunction().remove();\r
151         for(ValRef parameter : getParameters())\r
152             parameter.remove();\r
153     }\r
154     \r
155     @Override\r
156     public void simplify(SSASimplificationContext context) {\r
157         if(target.hasNoOccurences() && !hasEffect()) {\r
158             remove();\r
159             context.markModified("LetApply.dead-let-statement");\r
160             return;\r
161         }\r
162         // TODO this is quite heavy way for inlining constants\r
163         for(int i=0;i<parameters.length;++i) {\r
164             ValRef parameter = parameters[i];\r
165             Val value = parameter.getBinding();\r
166             if(!(value instanceof SCLConstant))\r
167                 continue;\r
168             SCLConstant constant = (SCLConstant)value;\r
169             if(constant.inlineArity != 0)\r
170                 continue;\r
171             SSAFunction definition = constant.definition;\r
172             SSABlock block = definition.getFirstBlock();\r
173             if(block.getFirstStatement() != null || !(block.getExit() instanceof Jump))\r
174                 continue;\r
175             Jump jump = (Jump)block.getExit();\r
176             if(jump.getTarget().getBinding() != definition.getReturnCont())\r
177                 continue;\r
178             if(jump.getParameter(0).getTypeParameters().length > 0)\r
179                 continue;\r
180             parameter.replaceBy(jump.getParameter(0).getBinding());\r
181         }\r
182         Val functionVal = getFunction().getBinding();\r
183         if(functionVal instanceof BoundVar) {\r
184             BoundVarBinder parent_ = ((BoundVar)functionVal).parent;\r
185             if(parent_ instanceof SSAFunction) {\r
186                 SSAFunction function = (SSAFunction)parent_;\r
187                 if(functionVal.hasMoreThanOneOccurences())\r
188                     return;\r
189                 if(getParameters().length < function.getArity())\r
190                     return;\r
191                 if(getParameters().length > function.getArity())\r
192                     split(function.getArity());\r
193                 inline(function);\r
194                 function.detach();\r
195                 context.markModified("LetApply.beta-lambda");\r
196             }\r
197             else if(parent_ instanceof LetApply) {\r
198                 LetApply apply = (LetApply)parent_;\r
199                 if(apply.hasEffect())\r
200                     return;\r
201                 boolean hasJustOneOccurence = !functionVal.hasMoreThanOneOccurences();\r
202                 if((hasJustOneOccurence && apply.getParent() == getParent()) ||\r
203                         apply.isPartial()) {\r
204                     if(hasJustOneOccurence) {\r
205                         apply.detach();\r
206                         setFunction(apply.getFunction());\r
207                         setParameters(ValRef.concat(apply.getParameters(), getParameters()));\r
208                     }\r
209                     else {\r
210                         setFunction(apply.getFunction().copy());\r
211                         setParameters(ValRef.concat(ValRef.copy(apply.getParameters()), getParameters()));\r
212                     }\r
213                     context.markModified("LetApply.merge-applications");\r
214                 }\r
215             }\r
216             else if(parent_ instanceof SSABlock) {\r
217                 SSABlock parent = getParent();\r
218                 if(parent_ != parent)\r
219                     return;\r
220                 if(parent.getFirstStatement() != this)\r
221                     return;\r
222                 if(!parent.hasMoreThanOneOccurences())\r
223                     return; // We stop here, because situation can be handled by better transformations\r
224                 if(functionVal.hasMoreThanOneOccurences())\r
225                     return;\r
226                 // We have now the following situation:\r
227                 //    [c] ... f ... =\r
228                 //        x = f ... \r
229                 // * this application is the only reference to f\r
230                 // * there are multiple references to [c]\r
231                 for(ContRef ref = parent.getOccurrence();ref != null; ref = ref.getNext())\r
232                     if(!(ref.getParent() instanceof Jump))\r
233                         return;\r
234                 \r
235                 // Finds the position of the functionVal in the parameter list of \r
236                 // the parent block.\r
237                 int position;\r
238                 for(position=0;position<parent.getParameters().length;++position)\r
239                     if(parent.getParameters()[position] == functionVal)\r
240                         break;\r
241                 if(position == parent.getParameters().length)\r
242                     throw new InternalCompilerError();\r
243                 \r
244                 // Do tranformation\r
245                 for(ContRef ref = parent.getOccurrence();ref != null; ref = ref.getNext()) {\r
246                     Jump jump = (Jump)ref.getParent();\r
247                     SSABlock block = jump.getParent();\r
248                     \r
249                     BoundVar newTarget = new BoundVar(target.getType());\r
250                     block.addStatement(new LetApply(newTarget, effect, jump.getParameter(position), ValRef.copy(parameters)));\r
251                     jump.setParameter(position, newTarget.createOccurrence());\r
252                 }\r
253                 \r
254                 parent.setParameter(position, target);\r
255                 remove();\r
256                 context.markModified("LetApply.hoist-apply");\r
257             }\r
258         }\r
259         else if(functionVal instanceof Constant) {\r
260             ((Constant)functionVal).inline(context, this);\r
261         }\r
262     }\r
263     \r
264     public boolean isPartial() {\r
265         return parameters.length < function.getBinding().getEffectiveArity();\r
266     }\r
267 \r
268     /**\r
269      * Removes apply if it does not have parameters.\r
270      */\r
271     public void removeDegenerated() {\r
272         if(getParameters().length == 0) {\r
273             target.replaceBy(getFunction());\r
274             getFunction().remove();\r
275             detach();\r
276         }\r
277     }\r
278 \r
279     public boolean determineGenerateOnFly() {\r
280         if(hasEffect())\r
281             return false;\r
282         ValRef ref = target.getOccurrence();\r
283         if(ref == null || ref.getNext() != null)\r
284             return false;\r
285         Object parent = ref.getParent();\r
286         if(parent instanceof SSAStatement) {\r
287             if(((SSAStatement)parent).getParent() != getParent())\r
288                 return false;\r
289         }\r
290         else if(parent instanceof SSAExit) {\r
291             if(((SSAExit)parent).getParent() != getParent())\r
292                 return false;\r
293             if(parent instanceof Switch)\r
294                 return false;\r
295         }\r
296         else\r
297             return false;\r
298         return true;\r
299     }\r
300     \r
301     @Override\r
302     public void markGenerateOnFly() {        \r
303         target.generateOnFly = determineGenerateOnFly();\r
304     }\r
305 \r
306     public ValRef getFunction() {\r
307         return function;\r
308     }\r
309 \r
310     public void setFunction(ValRef function) {\r
311         this.function = function;\r
312         function.setParent(this);\r
313     }\r
314 \r
315     public ValRef[] getParameters() {\r
316         return parameters;\r
317     }\r
318 \r
319     public void setParameters(ValRef[] parameters) {\r
320         /*if(SCLCompilerConfiguration.DEBUG)\r
321             if(parameters.length == 0)\r
322                 throw new InternalCompilerError();*/\r
323         this.parameters = parameters;\r
324         for(ValRef parameter : parameters)\r
325             parameter.setParent(this);\r
326     }\r
327     \r
328     @Override\r
329     public SSAStatement copy(CopyContext context) {\r
330         LetApply result = new LetApply(context.copy(target), \r
331                 context.copyType(effect),\r
332                 context.copy(function), \r
333                 context.copy(parameters));\r
334         return result;\r
335     }\r
336     \r
337     @Override\r
338     public void replace(TVar[] vars, Type[] replacements) {\r
339         target.replace(vars, replacements);\r
340         function.replace(vars, replacements);\r
341         effect = effect.replace(vars, replacements);\r
342         for(ValRef parameter : parameters)\r
343             parameter.replace(vars, replacements);\r
344     }\r
345     \r
346     /**\r
347      * Inlines the application by the given function.\r
348      * It is assumed that the function has the same number\r
349      * of parameters as this one and there are no other \r
350      * references to the function (copy function before\r
351      * inlining if necessary).\r
352      */\r
353     public void inline(SSAFunction function) {\r
354         if(function.getArity() != parameters.length)\r
355             throw new InternalCompilerError();        \r
356                \r
357         SSABlock headBlock = getParent();\r
358         SSAFunction thisFunction = headBlock.getParent();\r
359                \r
360         /*System.out.println("--- INLINING -------------------------------");\r
361         System.out.println(thisFunction);\r
362         System.out.println("Function name: " + getFunction().getBinding());\r
363         System.out.println("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");\r
364         System.out.println(function);   \r
365         */\r
366         \r
367         if(this.function.getTypeParameters().length > 0) {\r
368             /*if(function.getParent() != null) {\r
369                 PrintingContext pc = new PrintingContext();\r
370                 pc.append("----------------------------\n");\r
371                 function.getParent().getParentFunction().toString(pc);\r
372                 pc.append("\n----\n");\r
373                 function.toString(pc);\r
374                 pc.append("\n");\r
375                 pc.append(function.getTypeParameters());\r
376                 pc.append(" -> ");\r
377                 pc.append(this.function.getTypeParameters());\r
378                 System.out.println(pc.toString());\r
379             }*/\r
380             function.replace(function.getTypeParameters(), this.function.getTypeParameters());\r
381         }\r
382 \r
383         if(getPrev() != null)\r
384             getPrev().setAsLastStatement();\r
385         else\r
386             headBlock.removeStatements();\r
387         \r
388         // Create tail block\r
389         SSABlock tailBlock = new SSABlock(new BoundVar[] {target});\r
390         thisFunction.addBlock(tailBlock);\r
391         {\r
392             SSAStatement stat = getNext();\r
393             while(stat != null) {\r
394                 SSAStatement temp = stat.getNext();\r
395                 tailBlock.addStatement(stat);\r
396                 stat = temp;\r
397             }\r
398         }\r
399         tailBlock.setExit(headBlock.getExit());\r
400         \r
401         // Merge blocks        \r
402         thisFunction.mergeBlocks(function);           \r
403         \r
404         headBlock.setExit(new Jump(function.getFirstBlock().createOccurrence(), \r
405                 parameters));\r
406         function.getReturnCont().replaceWith(tailBlock);\r
407 \r
408         this.function.remove();\r
409         // Note: No need to remove or detach this statement anymore\r
410         \r
411         // TODO remove function\r
412         /*\r
413         System.out.println("============================================");\r
414         System.out.println(thisFunction);\r
415         */\r
416     }\r
417 \r
418     @Override\r
419     public void collectFreeVariables(SSAFunction parentFunction,\r
420             ArrayList<ValRef> vars) {\r
421         function.collectFreeVariables(parentFunction, vars);\r
422         for(ValRef parameter : parameters)\r
423             parameter.collectFreeVariables(parentFunction, vars);\r
424     }\r
425     \r
426     @Override\r
427     public void replaceByApply(ValRef valRef, Val newFunction, Type[] typeParameters, Val[] parameters) {\r
428         if(function == valRef) {\r
429             valRef.remove();\r
430             setFunction(newFunction.createOccurrence(typeParameters));\r
431             setParameters(ValRef.concat(ValRef.createOccurrences(parameters), this.parameters));\r
432         }\r
433         else\r
434             super.replaceByApply(valRef, newFunction, typeParameters, parameters);\r
435     }\r
436 \r
437     /**\r
438      * Splits this application into two applications where the first has\r
439      * the arity given as a parameter and the new application inserted \r
440      * after this statement has the rest of the parameters.\r
441      */\r
442     public void split(int arity) {\r
443         if(arity == parameters.length)\r
444             return;\r
445         if(arity > parameters.length)\r
446             throw new InternalCompilerError();\r
447         ValRef[] firstHalf = arity == 0 ? ValRef.EMPTY_ARRAY : Arrays.copyOf(parameters, arity);\r
448         ValRef[] secondHalf = arity == parameters.length ? ValRef.EMPTY_ARRAY : Arrays.copyOfRange(parameters, arity, parameters.length);\r
449         BoundVar newVar;\r
450         try {\r
451             MultiFunction mfun = Types.matchFunction(function.getType(), arity);\r
452             newVar = new BoundVar(mfun.returnType);\r
453         } catch (MatchException e) {\r
454             throw new InternalCompilerError();\r
455         }\r
456         LetApply newApply = new LetApply(target, effect, \r
457                 newVar.createOccurrence(), secondHalf);\r
458         newApply.insertAfter(this);\r
459         effect = Types.NO_EFFECTS;\r
460         setTarget(newVar);\r
461         setParameters(firstHalf);\r
462     }\r
463     \r
464     /**\r
465      * True, if the application may have side effects.\r
466      */\r
467     public boolean hasEffect() {\r
468         return effect != Types.NO_EFFECTS;\r
469     }\r
470 \r
471     public void updateEffect() {\r
472         try {\r
473             MultiFunction mFun = Types.matchFunction(function.getType(), parameters.length);\r
474             this.effect = mFun.effect;\r
475         } catch (MatchException e) {\r
476             throw new InternalCompilerError(e);\r
477         }\r
478     }\r
479     \r
480     @Override\r
481     public void prepare(MethodBuilder mb) {\r
482         function.getBinding().prepare(mb);\r
483     }\r
484 \r
485     @Override\r
486     public void forValRefs(ValRefVisitor visitor) {\r
487         visitor.visit(function);\r
488         for(ValRef parameter : parameters)\r
489             visitor.visit(parameter);\r
490     }\r
491 }\r